Kirstin smiles at the uncle's banter, watching the married couple go back and forth on names for their sons or daughters. They were keeping the genders a surprise, for some reason that they never really explained. She thinks it's because it pisses Dean off. He wants to know if they are boys or girls so he knows what to get them, but they won't budge. "Sarah?" Tony offers.

"Maria?" Steve shoots back as he moves around the desk. They were supposed to be filling out paperwork for her statement about Hydra, but she had asked them what they were naming her cousin. So technically this was her fault.



"What the hell? I am not naming our kid Edith. James or Jamie?"

"Maybe for a middle name?" She pauses for a second listening to their argument. Well, it still wasn't an argument. There was no heat behind anything they said, mostly pure curiosity and maybe some hopefulness.

"Sentimentality is an amazing reason to name a kid. Mary? Maybe Wyatt?" Tony had told his niece he was hoping for a girl because he already had some experience due to raising the two girls alongside his brothers since Kirstin was nine.

"How about Amelia?" The black haired girl offers quietly. "For a girl."

That seems to cause both men to freeze, turning to look at the girl with mirrored looks of concern, "I... I uh, just remember that you don't like talking about her, so I figured that name was out of the question and-"

"Amelia Jamie Stark has a nice ring to it. Maybe James Bobby Rogers? Hunter James Rogers? James Hunter Stark? Jamie Virginia Rogers?"

"Leo," Tony says so suddenly, it causes Kirstin to jump.

"Leonard. Leo for short. Leonard James Rogers. Amelia Jamie Stark. Those sound wonderful. Two more and we're good, in case it is two girls or two boys." Steve agrees softly, nearly drowned out by the sound of Kirstin's phone ringing.

She quickly pulls it out of the pocket of the old shorts she dug out of her room this morning, "Hello, Kirstin Black here. Make it snappy, I'm probably late for something." She always answered the phone that way, never actually checking the caller ID when she picks up, so this gives her an excuse to hang up and not seem like a total bitch.

"Kirstin. We have a problem." Clary's voice rings through the phone. I instantly stand up, putting the phone on speaker and cutting of the couple's conversation.

"What kind of problem?"

"Ryder's been kidnapped."


Two Months later...

"I mean, we're doing everything we can, and I know Ryder is doing the same. He's not stupid, but he's not-" Kirstin begins, talking into her phone, only for it to be yanked away from her by an angry blonde Shadowhunter.

Jace ends the call, throwing the phone on the table next to him, and taking a step into the younger girl's personal space, "Don't talk as if you know him. You may think you know him, but you don't. You know this stupid illusion he paints for girls like you."

She raises her eyebrow mockingly, not letting him pick up on the pang of guilt in her chest. "Yeah? And what illusion is that?"

"Mundane. Someone who hunters with those stupid tricks you brutes are taught. He's not a mundane, and he sure as hell isn't a Hunter. The faster you learn this, the better. To you, he's the mundane you knew in high school. In reality, he's so much more. You don't know anything about him." He turns to leave, his anger and guilt that is coursing through his veins officially reaching a new height. He makes it to the doorway of the room when the girl finally seems to find her voice, causing him to freeze in his place.

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