Dreaming for Silver Linings ch3

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>A/N: Okay so I decided that I would continue to post even though no one comments or votes. Truth be told I rarely comment/vote so I shouldn't punish all of you for not doing what I don't do. You know? So I have like two more chapters already finished so next week I will post one, then the week after that I will post and so on and so forth. So enjoy and do what you do!<

We were driving for ten minutes before I heard my Jeep's wheels go off road. I looked at Logan and he just continued driving. We were going 100mph. I clutched the sides of my seat. We were going way too fast for off roading. What's going on here? Logan put his hand on mine. I looked back to him and he was looking in my eyes. Static filled my body starting from his hand, up my arm and, down to my toes. He was so gorgeous. I resisted the urge to moan. Logan intrelaced our fingers and looked back to the road.

I layed my head back and closed my eyes. I felt the Jeep rumble then. I shot my head up and looked to see Jessie standing on the hood of my Jeep!

"You forgot to pay!" Jessie screeched in a horible harpie voice.

We all got out of the car and ran to the back. I looked around. We were in the middle of nowhere. I only saw dirt for miles all around me. Jessie picked up my Jeep like it weighed two pounds and threw it far out in the distance. Kane (that's the other guy's name) and Logan pushed Nikki and I behind them.

"You two need to hold hands and focus on making a shield around yourselves." Kane said.

We did what we were told. I stared into Nikki's strong but fearful eyes. I tried to block out the sounds and sights of the guys fighting to protect us. Any other time I would be out there fighting. Right now, I was too terrified. I heard a loud thump and a groan. I looked right up and saw Logan on the ground and Kane tackelling Jessie. Logan wouldn't get up. I felt my whole body explode.

>Nikki's P.O.V.<

I watched as Mona folded in on herself. She groaned in pain and I stood there helpless. When she stood back up, her hair was whiter than fresh snow and her eyes were as red as blood. Mona looked so much stronger and powerful. She started to walk towards the fight and Kane and Jessie stopped. Kane's eyes got all big and Jessie pushed him right next to Logan.

"I've been waiting for you to come out. Welcome back, Moka." Jessie said with a sneer.

Who the hell was Moka? Why did Mona change to this creepy version? Huh???

Mona leaped across the distance and landed on Jessie punching her face in. That's the Mona I knew, but she seemed much more vicious. She got up and held Jessie by the colarbone way above her. Jessie started to writhe in pain, squirming and trying to get free.

"Have mercy!" Jessie screamed between gasps of breath.

"Sorry. All out of mercy." Mona said in the coldest cruelest tone I have ever heard.

Mona threw Jessie to the ground and closed her eyes. All of a sudden a huge, bright, white light came from Jessie and engulfed them both. When the light disipated Jessie was nothing but a pile of ash and Mona was back to herself. She was still standing but swaying around. She started to fall but Logan did a slide thing and caught her just in time.

I ran up to them and dropped to my knees. Mona was still breathing. I sighed in relief. "What happened to her?" I asked them.

Logan, who was still rubbing Mona's hair out of her face, answered. "We have this power inside of us that comes out under certain circumstances and it is almost like an alter ego." He spoke softly and continued to look at Mona with such love I felt out of place.

"What are the certain circumstances?" I asked hesitantly.

"We get a neclace that has a ring on it and if the ring is removed we morph. But only your true love can remove the ring. The other circumstance is if we get so upset or mad we morph. Pretty simple." Logan explained never taking his eyes off of Mona. "We have to get you two to the school before we hit another speed bump." He continued standing up and holding Mona wedding style.

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