Part 11: Velvet's Parents

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I smiled as I walked up to Velvet. "I missed you guys so much" Velvet smiled hugging them tightly

"We missed you too sweetie" Her mother said patting her back

Velvet let go of the hug then looked at me and blushed red then looked at her parents shyly "Uhhh YN this is my Mom and Dad. M-Mom, Dad this is YN...My boyfriend"

I smiled at them and did a small polite bow "It's wonderful to meet you two" I smiled politely

Velvet seemed surprised at how respectful and proper I was being compared to how I usually act. I extended my hand to them "YN LN" I smiled

Velvet's father stood up "YN? You must be that boy that helped her with that bully more than a month ago. She's told us a little bit about you over the phone" he giggles

"Dad! Don't tell him that it's embarrassing" She blushed looking at the ground

He chuckled and shook my hand "Sorry, Sorry, Well my name is Remus Scarlatina it's a pleasure to meet you" He smiled

"It's a pleasure to meet you too sir" I smiled trying to be as respectful as possible

Remus let go of my hand and sat down and the mother stood up. I extended my hand to her but she moved my hand out of the way and hugged me which caught me off guard. "Thank you for helping my daughter"

I smiled "It's not a problem Mrs. Scarlatina I just saw someone picking on Velvet and decided to help her" I said leaving out my reason for helping which was originally because I thought she was cute

"Please call me Violet, Violet Scarlatina" She smiled at me

"It's very nice to meet you" I smiled as me and Velvet sat down across from her parents

We started talking about how me and Velvet met, our first date leaving out the bit about us making out afterwards. We talked about my team and her team and how Beacon has been as a whole. The only thing that worried me at the cafe was Remus attempted to ask about my family but Velvet quickly pushed the question aside to ask how their lives were.

After a while of talking we moved from the cafe to walk around Vale as we showed them the fairgrounds we had our first date and the Faunus museum we visited. It turns out that Velvet gets the excited to learn about Faunus part of her personality from her mom who was practically bouncing up and down with excitement once we showed her the museum. He continued walking and talking as her parents told me embarrassing stories of Velvet's childhood which made me laugh and Velvet blush and hit me on the arm for laughing. As we walked later in the day we passed an Ice Cream store. "Do you want to get some Ice Cream?" Velvet asked

"Sure dear. You can go, we'll meet you inside we just need to talk to YN alone quickly" Violet said and suddenly I feel a deep sinking feeling like everything's about to go to shit

"Ok" she nodded and walked in

Violet and Remus looked at me and I tried to not look nervous. After about 15 seconds of uncomfortable silence Remus spoke up "So YN. You seem like a very nice boy but there is something we noticed when you introduced yourself that worried us" he said

I sighed "It's the surname isn't it?" I asked looking at him

He looked surprised by the fact I knew what he was think "Uh Yes actually. The name LN is linked to a group that hate Faunus very, very much and I just wanted to make sure it's just a coincidence"

"It's not a coincidence." I sighed "I was born into The Order of Pure Blood but I've never believed in the way they think about Faunus. I hate how The Order works and a couple of weeks ago I was disowned from my family. I want to distance myself from them as much as possible because they hate everything Velvet is" I said getting more and more nervous as I continued talking hoping they will accept this

They looked at me shocked and worried. They both scanned my expression probably trying to figure out if I was lying. "I understand if you want to distance yourself from them but you must know this still worries us. You're still connected to the family even if you don't want to be and that's terrifying. I can tell you truly care about Velvet and I want you to promise us on your life that you will do everything in your power to keep her safe from them" Violet said

I nodded and decided to go a step further then a simple promise. I got onto my knees and bowed to them "I promise that I will do every single thing within my power to keep her safe"

Her parents giggled shyly and helped me onto my feet "Well if that doesn't show your devotion I don't know what would" Violet chuckled

I smiled at them "Thank you"

"No, Thank you. For keeping our daughter safe. And if you truly want to distance yourself from them and would be willing to become a Scarlatina you have my blessing" Remus smiled

I blushed red and looked at them "And mine as well as long as you truly care for her" Violet smiled

I looked down blushing red but nodded shyly "We shouldn't keep Velvet waiting anymore" Violet giggled walking into the ice cream store

Remus followed her and I followed him. The rest of the day went on as we continued talking till the evening where Velvet's parents took their leave and me and Velvet returned to Beacon. Once it became night we crawled into bed together and she nuzzled her head into my chest humming softly. I rubbed her bunny ears until she fell asleep. Once I was completely sure she was asleep I whispered something to myself "YN Scarlatina. It has a nice ring to it" I smiled and nuzzled into her hair falling asleep in her embrace

Velvet Scarlatina X Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang