Part 2: Initiation

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Finn's POV
I woke up in the ballroom in my sleeping bag next to YN's. I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes and turned to YN who was still asleep. I poked him in the side of the head multiple times to no effect I spoke not yelling just speaking into his ear as to not wake up everyone else "YN,YN Get the hell up"

I started shaking him and he finally started waking up "hmm... 5 more minutes" he mumbled

5 more minutes my ass, I picked him up and held the sleeping bag upside down so he would fall out of it. With a loud thud he fell out of the sleeping bag he then sat up"God dammit why do I even sleep next to you" he asked as he rubbed the bump on his head

"Think about your life choices later we gotta get ready for the Initiation" I said

"Ohh right we should wake Lena up and probably Aubrey while we're at it"He said getting up

I walked up to where Lena and Aubrey had been sleeping. I poked Lena's cheek and she started to wake up, she was a pretty light sleeper. I then walked over to Aubrey and tried to figure out how to wake her up. I poked her like I did with Lena and that didn't work shaking her would be to harsh. Lena then walked over "What's up YN?"

"Can you help me wake up Aubrey"I asked

"Sure" she knelt down and started to tickle Aubrey's cat ears and in a few seconds she woke up

"Ohh ummm h-h-hi L-Lena" She said while blushing

Lena removed her hands from Aubrey's ears "Come on its time for the initiation" I said she then groggily got up

We all made it to our lockers and got our clothes I slid my hoodie over my FC T-Shirt and swung my bo staff around my body and held onto the strap across my chest that secured it to my back. I watched as Finn threw on his large coat and strapped his great sword to his back. I then saw Aubrey slid her pistols into her hoodie pocket and tuck her extremely long hair into her hood. Then Lena put on her White coat and slid her arm through the carrying strap on her sniper rifle. Once we were all ready we met up at my locker "so uh Aubrey"I said

"Yeah YN?" She responded

"I already know their answers to my question so I'm only asking you"

"Cool What's the question?"

"Are you ok with staying with us on a team for the foreseeable future?"

"You guys are awesome to be around so that's a plus and you didn't instantly ridicule me for being a fannus so that's another plus, Yeah I'm up for it sounds fun" Aubrey said excited

"Well that settles it our goal is to make sure the four of us get on a team together" I said

Timeskip to the cliff
We were listening to Ozpin's speech he brought up the fact that we would be paired up with the first person we see which would make our original plan of becoming a team harder but with both Finn and Aubrey's semblances I'm sure we'll be able to find each other. People started getting launched off of the cliff by the platforms we were standing on. Lena got launched first followed by Finn then Me and I heard Aubrey get launched soon after. As I was flying I needed to think of a landing strategy I eventually thought of one it wasn't the smoothest landing plan possible but it would work.

I started falling towards a tree just before I made contact I activated my semblance and crashed through the tree which slowed down my momentum just like I wanted I repeated this until I was close enough to the ground to land. I started running towards where I thought the others would be. I got distracted by this and didn't notice a Beowolf jump onto me and bite into my arm. I screamed out in pain and broke my staff over my shoulder creating one of the pistols I then placed it at the Grimm's head and fired making it dissolve. I put my pistols back together recreating my staff I was relieved that that was over until I remembered "Beowolf's Travel in Packs" I turned and spun my staff just in time to catch a Beowolf out of the air and send it towards its kin. I was surrounded by about 6 Beowolfs I started spinning my staff ready for any of them to attack me one pounced at me and I used my semblance to block the attack before slamming my staff into its head. I cracked the staff over my knee turning it to two pistols as I turned to two more Beowolfs I heard two gun shots and the two Beowolf I was going to fire at collapsed. I looked past them and saw Lena crouched in a tree with her sniper ready. I nodded and reconnected my staff before taking on the remaining 3 Beowolfs I spun my staff hitting two of the Beowolfs as Lena shot the third in the head. I cracked the staff down on the head of one of the Beowolfs then spun my staff into the two pistols and shot one shot from each pistol at the final Beowolf.

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