Chapter 6

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Hanna's POV

I felt the traveling circus' bus come to a stop. For a magicians secret box it was actually quite roomy and was able to hold me, the other ninja and Nya.

"No ninja. Wanna check up my sleeve?" I heard the magician ask a nindroid. Apparently they had inspected the entire bus, but didn't find us.

"Your free to go!" said the nindroid.

"Thank you."

A few moments later, the top of the box was opened and we hopped out. I nearly fell when I came out but Cole caught me before I hit the ground.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem. Just be more careful when jumping out of magic boxes." he smiled. I laughed a little.

"We can get you just outside of the power substation, but after that your on your own. Good luck and abracadabra!" after he spoke a cloud of smoke appeared and he was gone.

Jay coughed. "Show off!"

We all turned towards Nya.

"So Nya, shutting down this power substation. Can we really destroy the Overlord and his nindroids by simply flipping a switch?" asked Cole.

"Don't forget once this is over we have to deal with Andrew." said Kai.

"Cripple them yes. Destroy no. Once we've powered down their army we still need to reboot the central computer with the techno blades. And don't forget since they know we have them they aren't gonna let us just waltz in." replied Nya.

"Wait if shutting down the power turns off everything connected to it, wouldn't that mean Pixal too?" asked Jay.

We looked at each other.

"I believe it's best that if he hasn't figured it out we don't tell him." I said.

"Hanna's right. We need to be on our a game when we come face to face with whatever lies ahead," said Cole.

"Speaking of which where is Zane?" asked Kai.

Serene's POV

We had been running for what seemed like hours. I saw out of the corner of my eye Lloyd and Sensie Garmadon panting. I looked back in front of me and stopped running. We had made it to the Samurai X cave.

"The Samurai X symbol." said Lloyd as he pressed it. While he did that I formed two water balls and handed one to both of them.

"Thank you, Serene." said Sensie.

I smiled.

They both quickly drank from the ball and then walked to the entrance of the cave. I followed close behind. We walked down a long staircase and stopped at the bottom.

"Woah! How did Nya have time to build all this?" exclaimed Lloyd.

Sensie Garmadon sighed. "Why must everything have so many weapons?"

"Says the man who had four arms to posses the golden weapons." stated Lloyd as he walked towards a vehicle.

"Four arms? Golden weapons?" I asked. I quickly covered my mouth. I didn't mean to say that out loud. My face quickly turned red as they both looked at me.

"Oh yea. Serene isn't from our dimension so she never knew about you having four arms or the ninja using golden weapons." laughed Lloyd.

I felt my face grow even hotter. I was so embarrassed. Sometimes I wished I wasn't gone for so long so I could've been caught up on everything.

Lloyd grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the vehicles top. Lloyd was about to get in the drivers seat when his father stopped him.

"I swore off fighting, not driving." he said. I looked at Lloyd and he motioned to the back seat. We both sat down and his dad took off driving. I saw a cliff right outside the caves exit and we were headed right for it. I grabbed Lloyd's arm and closed my eyes. I felt the vehicle lift off the ground.

"Where to now?" yelled Lloyd.

"Yea where are we headed?" I yelled.

"As far away as possible!" yelled Garmadon.

Me: sorry for updating later than usual. I've been having some trouble with the chapters.

Lloyd: more like being lazy

Me: shut up!

Serene: Pwn15 has an announcement

Me: I may not be updating for a few days because I am going on vacation to South Padre Island. But I would love you guys to help me with something. I'm not sure how Slash should come back into the book. He's coming up soon and I need ideas. So while I'm gone comment ideas please!

Lloyd & Serene: that's all! BYE!

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