Chapter 3- It started with a dress

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3rd person POV

A beautiful Ginny Weasley with a personality almost as fiery as her hair. Was wandering up the busy streets of Diagon Alley. Attempting to reach the looming marble building of Gringotts Bank to deposit the bit of money she'd made from work.

Work. When her boss heard she spilled drinks all down the front of a very well paying customer she was an inch from being fired, or killed for that matter.

Sighing, she started walking again when a flash of green caught her eye.

"Green...wait, Harry?!" She caught her self-thinking out loud and whipped around to see what it had been. Her long hair hitting many people as she turned abruptly.

She slumped. Of course, it's not Harry, you daft bimbo. Harry's, Harry's dead. She almost went to turn away but it caught her eye again. Such a pretty color. Realizing now it was not the same Avada Kedavra green as Harry's eyes, but darker. She could only describe it by the Slytherin green she had seen so many times in her youth.

She moved closer. Nose almost pressed to the Window. Her breath fogging up the glass. to anyone watching she must have looked ridiculous, maybe even like an overgrown child. But a certain pair of eyes hidden in the shadows between the lopsided building all around found it oddly endearing

The dress was a dark, vibrant shade of green made of soft, rich looking fabric. The skirt fell out a bit in a delicate way that would accentuate the waist but not hide ones figure completely. The bodice was corset like covered in dark stitching etched into delicate flowers encrusted with bead-like gems. It came up to a sweetheart neckline and the sleeves feel off the shoulder. The stitching continued from the end of the sweetheart in a line to the bottom of the dress. In the sun the fabric twinkled as if encrusted with millions of diamonds.

Ginny sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. It was a cold October morning. The air was crisp and stung her cheeks pinks.

Ginny was sad, yet also glad that September had passed. Seeing happy go lucky students rushing about to get their supplies for another year at Hogwarts. Ginny had graduated a year ago while Harry and his team had left to hunt down Horcruxes.

That thought pained Ginny more when she remembers they had never properly gotten back together. At least they had shared a final kiss on the steps before Harry went. All too willingly to his end.

Shivering a bit and holding her arms tighter. She continued to stare at the fine dress. Etching every detail into her mind. She didn't even need to see the price to know it was something she would never be able to afford.

"I can't even afford to walk into this shop," she muttered quietly to herself.

Looking down, Ginny turned to head in the direction of Gringotts. When suddenly she bumped her cold nose into a solid chest.

Surprised she took a shocked gasp. Upon such, smelling the warm figure in front of her. He smelled of mint toothpaste and pine trees after a storm, along with an abundance of expensive leathers and fabrics added to his natural musk. It was breathtaking.

Straightening quickly, and brushing her hair back she bowed her head and stammered

"ah O-oh sorry"

She tried to turn away when the man reached out a hand to catch her arm spinning her around into his chest once again. A deep, musical chuckle that would have made any girls knees give out, shook his shapely chest.

Ginny was a tall girl but still, he came up to the middle of his torso.

She placed her hands upon his chest and attempted to push herself off him, but he reached out and took her chin in his hands. Forcing her to look up into his beautiful face.

At least what's she could see of it. It was covered in a delicate silver mask. But his bow lips looked so kissable and a jawline that could cut your fingers. His eyes were a cold gray but they seemed to hold warmth in the dark shadows of his pupils.

staring at his lips she thought to herself, how familiar he seemed, but she couldn't quite place where she'd seen this face before.

The god-like man chuckled again. loosening his hold on her oh so slightly so he could reach down and kiss her freckled hand with his soft lips. And with that, he said, "It is, a very beautiful dress." If his laugh had made her think of collapsing his voice would have if he wanst supporting her. It was a deep musical baritone.

in embarrassment and sudden, arousal, Ginny's mouth fell open, and like a fish began opening and closing as if gasping for air. She was at a loss for words as the elegant man raised a slender hand to slide its cool surface down the side of one of her very flushed cheeks and sighed to himself, in a longing way, as if, disappointed at some unknown thing. He turned away in a flash of silk and other expensive fabrics. and a familiar crack of apparition sounded in the busy streets.

As quickly as this mysterious man had arrived. He was gone.

Leaving Ginny to wonder if it had really happened or if her sleepless nights had finally caught up to her, leaving her in a delirious state, and she was, in fact, going loony.

Sighing Ginny looked up at the shimmering fabric in the window once again. Before Turing around. Ready To start her day with a new found happiness hidden deep inside her.


Upon entering the gleaming marble building of Gringotts, Ginny begrudgingly followed the goblin to what she knew was a painfully empty Weasley vault. Although the goblins had told her that, due to the Potter vault, and many others for that matter, having no heir, she as a close friend, could claim the large sums of money for her own. (though the goblins would be wanting quite a fair sum for their troubles of completing the tasks. )

Ginny at the moment didn't agree to go through but left the option open. It didn't feel right to take money from her friends even if they were gone. Deep down, Ginny still hoped they would all return to her.

As she had feared. Her vault was very, very empty. Her absolutely awful job didn't even pay well. Sighing she scooped up about half of the galleons and knuts from the small pouch in her favorite bag, one that Hermione had once placed an undetectable extension charm on. She turned from the sight with long legs and a flash of ruby hair. No one could notice the wells of tears unshed in her eyes.

Ginny often found herself like this. A mess of tears and self-hate form even the mention or sight of something to do with her friends.

with this. she made a Vowel.

She, Ginny Weasley would do whatever it takes to avenge her lost ones. no matter the cost.

In a dramatic flash of red hair and a black rode. Ginny apparated away. Unaware of the many eyes hidden in the dark shadows that watched her.


AN: Heyyyy lovelies! Sorry if this is short I have so many ideas but I want this story to be a bit longer so I'm trying to build up their lives before they really end up doing what they are going to do which I won't spoil! anywhooooooo see ya guys hope u kinda enjoyed it <3

Lucius Malfoy is my slave (Ginny x Lucius)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon