Chapter 2 Admirer

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Unknowns POV

I'm sitting in the hogs head late one night. Drowning my sorrows in Firewhisky. Not that you could tell. I remain composed no matter what. Even if this silver mask hides my identity I always keep up my persona.

Sighing I look up, and there she is, my muse. Her red hair swishing around her wide squished looking hips and thighs. Her skirt flapping dangerously with each step in her obnoxious heels. I choke on my drink but try and hide it with a cough.

She walks right past me the back or her skirt open to reveal her round buttocks. I almost forgot where I was and resisted the ure to reach out and take her there. To kiss her soft looking plump lips.

Get a hold of yourself. I scold myself. This probably is a filthy muggle or mudblood! And probably also a filthy whore.

I sigh again, flicking my long hair over my shoulder. I stand to leave my serpentine walking stick in hand. Not paying attention as I reach up to fix my mask temporarily blocking my vision I bump into something. My free hand immediately reaches out to steady the falling figure in front of me. I feel soft skin and silky fabric in my hands as long hair tickles my hand.

What? I wonder

"I- oh! I'm so sorry sir!" The voice is soft but with a rough edge. Obviously not raised with culture. I look at her and see my goddess. Her creamy skin tinged with pink and decorated with freckles. Warm brown eyes with flecks of green and blue look at me wide with concern.

I follow her gaze and see she had spilled her tray onto my white shirt.

At first my reaction was to whip out my wand. But as it was out I thought for a second. I can't hex her.... and instead turned it to myself

"Scourgify" I muttered, my voice almost a purr. Not wanting to scare the beauty before me. She seems so familiar. I just can't place my finger on it

I turned to the red head to see her bowing her head, her face as red as her hair

such beauty...

she was bowing and apologizing. And found myself thinking how much I would love to se where beg in another way... Calm down Lucius. This is not the time or place. Or woman for that matter.


My wife was killed the moment cursed Harry Potter was found out to be alive. Draco and I ran from the area when the ministry had arrived. I was currently in hiding. All of the possession I could grab on my way out of the Malfoy Manor were shrunken and in a extended bag hidden in my cloak.

I had sent Draco to some of my family in Bulgaria.  Side-along-apperating him there and giving him a once in a lifetime hug as I knew it would be the last time I ever saw my son.

I sighed. Such a shame. War Crimes. Honestly. The nerve of those gits.

They were losing power each day yet still they tried to get the known death eaters. Not only that I'm an Azkaban escapee. The horrid tattoo on my neck itched at this. But not as much as my Dark mark did. Resisting the urge to scratch at them, I pushed past the blubbering girl in front of my and headed to the stairs. I was staying in the inn of the bar with the ridiculous imbecile, Peter Pettigrew.

(Kinda 3rd person)

A coward of cowards who turned to the biggest threat. Betraying friends and comrades alike. An idiot all and all. But he would be easy to throw at the ministry as a distraction so He himself could escape. And being an unregistered Animagius he had fun sneaking down around the crowded pub and taking pocket money. That Lucius could deal with.

Heading up to the disgusting rooms I had managed to transfigure many of the objects in the room into something much more decent.

He had a plan. And he knew he needed to activate it soon. The ministry and The Dark lord we're fighting for territory. Who knew who would take this town first. Being found by either would not be in his best interests.

And then there was Peter. He didn't want to leave the man behind. He was useful to some extent. And he most definitely didn't want him to turn to the bigger dog and give him away.

Using a spell he changed into his silk Pyjamas and crawled into his transfigured silver and green bed. He chuckled slightly, once a Slytherin always a Slytherin. He minded Peter entering the room with some whisky and what looked like a rather large pouch of gold. He checked to make sure a multitude of charms were on the door before heading to his own bed. He was not good enough at the skill to change his bed. Lucius could have offered but why would he do that?

With a final spell placing a light ward he shut his eyes and brushed his silky hair back with an elegant hand sighing and drifting to a rather exotic dream of a certain redhead.


Ginny's P.O.V

Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh mY GOD! OH MY GOD!

I was screaming in my head. How could I have done that. I was routed to the spot but then bent over to clean up the mess ignoring the stares i could feel making the hair on the back of my neck tingle along with the whistles and calls.

Ugh! I hate this! But thinking some more. He looked rich. Expensive fabrics elegant posture and just his general feel had a sense of supremacy. He pulled his wand... I haven't forgotten. How could I, at that moment the silver masked man had pulled his wand she was bracing herself for a sting of some curse but instead felt nothing.

How odd


Hey guys! Omg we got 32 reads and a Vote! Thanks so much! This pretty bad but I wanted to get something out. Can you all tell me if I should even bother continuing this or is it really stupid? Any ways peace out! 😙
-lady Darkana

(If anyone's ever up to it I'd love a cover lol)

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