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Jungkook groaned into his pillow, as he was suddenly disrupted from his sleep by a body on top of his own. He pushed the unknown person off of him and rubbed his eyes. He heard a thud and guessed that the person fell off of his bed and onto the floor.

"Jungkook! What was that for?" Jimin whined as he stood up from the floor, his lips had jutted out into a pout as dusted himself off.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "That was for waking me up at the asscrack of dawn."

"Did you forget what today was?" Jimin asked rolling his own eyes at his best friends forgetfulness.

"The day I murder you for waking me up?"

"Haha funny. No, it's the first day of school. So hurry up and get ready." Jimin smiled his eye smile before leaving the room.

Jungkook groaned once again and fell backwards onto his pillow.

An hour and a half later Jungkook, along with his two of his three best friends, was standing under a tree in the middle of the school's courtyard. Jungkook was listening to Jimin and his other friend Namjoon bicker about some anime they both watched. Jungkook was so bored and already wanted the school day to be over with.

The boys were interupted by a voice yelling at them.


A tall boy with black hair ran over to them. Upon reaching them, the boy bent over to catch his breath.

"Damn, I'm so out of shape!" The boy breathed.

"Hey Jin." Jimin said as Namjoon wrapped his arm around his mate, who was still breathing heavily.

"So are you guys ready for class?" Jin questioned the group.

"Hell no." Jungkook deadpanned.

"Well, I am." Jimin suddenly spoke up. "I heard that there are some new students. I wonder what they'll be like."

Just as Jimin said that, a limo pulled up to the curb making Jungkook roll his eyes for the millionth time that morning. Everybody who was in the courtyard, which happened to be most of the student body, now had their eyes fixed on who was exiting.

"Why does it not surprise me that somebody actually showed up in a fucking limo?" Jungkook asked.

It was a minute before anything happened, but finally a boy stepped out, he had pitch black hair and grey charcoal eyes. He was dressed in a pair of dark blue rolled up skinny jeans and a black and blue sweater. He was short and was glaring at everyone who dared to make eye contact with him.

As the first boy continued to glare, a second boy then stepped out of the car. He was taller than the first boy and had blood red hair, but he was dressed just as nice. He shoved both hands in the pockets of his jacket and stood next to the black haired boy.

The first two boys were handsome; there was no doubting that, but even still, they were nothing compared to the last boy that emerged from the limo. His ash grey/silver hair stood out against his skin and his crystal blue eyes sparkled as he looked across the courtyard, his eyes scanning across the students.

The blue eyed boy stepped up between the other two boys, and they took one last look around at their audience before all three of their eyes flashed white.

Gasps were all you could hear throughout the courtyard. The three however were emotionless as they began walking towards the front entrance of the school.

"Vampires." Namjoon breathed out, breaking Jungkook out of the trance he was in.

There was something about that silver haired vampire that instantly captured the young alpha's attention.

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