Cayde x Short! Reader || Smalls|| Prt 1

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Hello, my dear readers! I want to thank you before this story starts about having 800+ reads and 30+ votes. When I started, I imagine that only a few would come and read my stories. Anyways! Let's start!

Description (Spoilers): I've always been the shortest one in the tower. And I hate it. I have to ask for help when I am doing stuff on my own. Everyone had a nickname for me, the one that stuck the most was Smalls. It was given to me by Cayde. He named me after a movie that was released more than 700 years ago. After I test out one of Caydes new invention, The Taken ruined my day. 

Please read, part of this story is taken place in the lost city. I do not know what it looks like or any detail about it, so do not be mad. 


-(Y/N) POV-

I just woke up from a deep sleep. I rubbed my eyes and got up. The time was 8:43 in the morning. I thought to my self that I woke up at a good time, and got out of bed and headed to my kitchen for some breakfast. I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. Then I looked up to the cabinet that held the bowls. I signed as I tried to reach it. Gosh. I really wish my team was home right now. I walked to the small closet and grabbed the latter and put it so I could get to the cereal.
"Careful!" My ghost yelled.
"I will..." I said sleepily. And I successfully grabbed the cereal and headed back down the latter. I poured the cereal into the bowl and then the milk. I picked it up and took it into the dining room to eat. My phone soon started to buzz. I looked to see it was Cayde. I answered it and soon saw the exos face.
"Hey, Smalls!" He said.
"Hey, Cayde..." I said. "Stop calling me smalls. I'm scary."
"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "You're like five feet smaller than everyone in the tower."
"Have I forgotten to mention I killed a god or two and killed the 'oh so great' Gary?" I said jokingly.
"I know. Stop bragging you can get out of the tower." He said. "Anyways. I need you to come down to the hanger. Just for a bit. I need help with something."
"And what may that be?" I questioned.
"I need someone who won't question anything to help me with a project." He explained. "Amanda would just either stop me or use it against me what I'm doing. And you are weird. So I figured you would do."
"Alright." I agreed.
"Yes." He said. "Cya in a few."
"Cya," I responded.
And with that, he hung up. I signed and got up to put my dishes in the sink. And walked to my room. I got out my favorite pieces of armor and put them on. I looked in the mirror and fixed the armor and my hair. I signed at my appearance. It was decent. I started to walk to the door and grabbed my keys.
"What do you think he has in mind for us?" I asked my ghost.
"Not sure," (G/N) responded. "Hopefully it's something good."
"It's Cayde," I say. "He always has something good."
"True." (G/N) responded. Ending our conversation.
I continued to walk to the hanger and to Cayde. I got lost in thought I barely realized we were there. Like I was set on airplane mode. Cayde soon noticed me coming in and waved me over. I gladly went up to the exo and picked up Colonel.
"Glad you're here, Smalls," he said, handing me a wrench. "You don't-hold this- know how much this-ugh-means to me. If this works, well, let's say it will change the sparrows you know and love today. Make them faster, more aerodynamic."
"Glad to be here," I said and handed him back his wrench. "What do you mean 'change the sparrows you know and love today?'"
"Are you going death smalls?" He questioned. "Make then faster and more aerodynamic."
I sighed. "What are you doing to the sparrow and what do you need me for?"
"Simple, I'm putting MORE thrusters, MORE engines, and LESS body." He replied. "And since Ikora and Zavala have kept a close eye on me since when I last broke out. And I need you to test it out."
"Alright," I said questingly. "When will you be done?"
"In about 30 minutes." He said. "I would have called you closer when I was done, but I kinda wanted some ramen. I don't have money on me now, but I will pay you back."
"Alright," I responded. "The usual?"
"Of course," Cayde said.
"I'll be back soon."
"Okay, bye Smalls!" Cayde waved.
I started to walk to the ramen shop and I pondered why Cayde kept calling me smalls. I know that I'm small, but nicknamed after a movie that came out close to 700 years ago? It doesn't make sense. "I wonder why Cayde gave you the nickname smalls," (G/N) said. As if he/she read my thoughts.
"I know," I said. "It's odd."
"Does it ever bother you?" He/she asked.
"No, not really." I thought for a second more. "Until a little after it started to catch on, it hasn't bothered me as much. I guess I got used to it, " I laughed. "Unlike you where you get triggered any time someone gives you a nickname."
"Imagine everyone calling you little light!" (G/N) screamed.
"Ha. I liked that one, " I said. "Little light."
"Stop that!" (G/N) yelled once more.
"Okay, okay, " I tried to calm him/her.
I looked to the path ahead of us, we were drawing near the Ramen shop. There was a quite of a long line, so I went to talk to Ikora and wait out until the line shortens. As I went down the steps to where Ikora was, she turned and looked at me.
"Hello, (Y/N)." She said calmly. "How are you?"
"Hi, Ikora," I responded. "I'm doing great, you?"
(A/N): okay. Imma stop doing paragraph indentations.)
"I'm doing rather well..." she led on. "However, I have been pondering about something on IO."
"What may that be?" I questioned.
"Recently, Asher has informed me that The Taken have been acting strange lately, " Ikora explained. "Can you go out to IO and check it out? If it won't be a bother."
"I was going to run out there for Cayde, actually," I responded. Ikora gave me an odd look. "So it won't be a problem."
"What does Cayde have you doing our in IO?" She questioned.
"Just some test on new guns for the kinder Guardians," I lied. Which, she looked as if she believed.
"Alright," she says questioningly.
Before I was about to say something other, a guardian ran up to Ikora requesting for her. So I got out of her hair and got Caydes order. Luckily, the line was shorter after my talk with Ikora. So, once I got to the front of the line I got Caydes order. And once again, I was off walking across the tower lost in thought. I barely even noticed when I got to the hanger until I heard Cayde calling me over.
"Hey, Smalls!" He yelled at me. "Over here! I'm almost done!"
I looked up and went towards him, almost forgetting about what I was out of my house. I started to walk towards him with his ramen in my hand. I looked at the newly built sparrow, it had less of a body then the undefeated sparrow, but it has a lot of thrusters. I was impressed with it. But, I'm not sure if it will work.
"Did you get my favorite?" He asked, to which I shook my head.
"Looks nice," I commented. "Whatcha' gonna name it?"
"I'm not sure," he pondered for a second. "Maybe something like smalls. Ya' know, in honor of you. Being the first one to ride it and so... and cause you're so small like the body of it..." He said the last part quite quickly.
"What was that?" I asked, even though I still heard it.
"No-nothing.." Cayde tried to play it off.
"I'm pretty sure I heard 'cause you're so small like the body of it.'"
Cayde shot his head up pretty quickly, surprised I caught his wording. "Pretty sure you heard wrong!"
I looked down at the Exo and snickered. He is adorable. I handed him his food and looked back up at the sparrow and got lost in thought for a moment. I realized that we were going into a bit of awkward silence.
"So, when can I take it for a ride?" I pondered out loud.
"Yeah, let me just look it over," He said walking around the sparrow to find a loose screw or a fault in the design. After seeing nothing wrong with the sparrow, he untied the ropes keeping it up and ran a few tests. Seeing if the engine ran, if it'll break underneath the weight of a person, etc. "Should be good to go!"
"Before I take this for a spin, should Amanda check over it?" I stated.
"I think its fine," he rebutted.
"If you say so, also I told Ikora that I'm trying out new guns for you, so heads up for that," I sighed. I held up my hand to call my ghost to transmit the sparrow to my ship. I took the last glace at Cayde before I left. "Cya."
"Cya," the exo said before I disappeared. "Wouldnt wanna be ya'." He waited to make sure I had disappeared before saying "God, please let this work, I really need to impress her."

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