Father! Zalva x Daughter/Son! Reader || Like Father, like Daughter/Son (Part 1)

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Hello, again! I'm glad you came back for another story. I've for some reason keep thinking Zalva would be a great dad. So, yeah. If your character is not an Awoken, then think it as he/she was adopted by Zalva or was once was human/Awoken, then turned into an Exo (Kind of like Caydes backstory.) or something like that. If you aren't a Awoken or Human please skip down to -Ghost POV-. The ghost won't have a name for the beginning part of the story.

Zalva once has a daughter/son. They where very close, and made many memories together. Zalva had tried to make a happy life for (Y/N) after their mom, his wife, was killed in action from The Battle of the Twilight Gap. He has tried to protect her, but failed. He had lost (Y/N) after she had died from the Taken when visiting a friend outside the walls.

Warnings: Close death, gore, and fainting.

-Zalvas POV-

I looked down at the picture of my beloved family, (M/N) (Mother's Name) and (Y/N), today was the anniversary of (Y/N) death. Only a few days before her/his birthday. (Y/N)'s body was never found due to the Taken taking her body and scattered them about. I've lost them long ago, each day grows more painful as I grieve their death. My dear (M/N) was killed in action when The Battle of the Twilight Gap came, where the fallen has tried to end humanity once and for all. My son/daughter, (Y/N), my dear (Y/N), was killed in her way home from visiting a friend not far outside the walls to meet her newborn. I had sent some of my trusted Titans with her to protect her. But, they where ambushed by the Taken. (Y/N) was killed during the ambush and her/his remains where scattered around the EDZ, as it was in her will. He/she would still be alive if I did not allow her to wonder outside the walls. If I was with them before they're time of need, maybe they would still be alive. I blamed their deaths on myself, despite Ikora telling me to forgive myself.
"Zalva. You need to forgive yourself." Ikora said, scaring me a little. "It is not your fault that they died. Stop blaming yourself."
"If I was there with them, they probably would be alive right now." I responded, we both looked out over the last city and the traveler. "If I where to only have stayed with them."
Ikora looked up at me with sorrowful eyes. "But, you saved many other lives. (M/N) died saving people she didn't even know. You couldn't be everywhere at once. You, we, didn't know that it was going to be her last battle." Ikora looked back down at the city. "(Y/N). He/She was my best student, Guardian or not. None of the people who where involved thought the Taken where coming. The Guardians tried their best saving her. He/she had touched many lives during her life. Including mine. She/he taught me a thing or two, believe it or not. They taught me that no matter what situation, they're many outcomes and futures. None of them fully good, none of them fully bad. To always see the good and make due with it. Times when she was with me after (M/N) untimely death, she always seemed happy, and knew that's what she would have wanted."
I looked at Ikora with sad eyes, she looked back with sorry filled and understanding eyes. I took a deep breath and tucked my picture of my family into my pocket. "If I may, I would like a few minutes alone." I said, Ikora nodded and walked away. I looked up to the Traveler. I remembered all what I was fighting for, all the children with futures helping humanity, and the mothers and fathers helping them shape it. "I wish you could bring back (Y/N)."
After a few moments of silence of just thinking, I was soon interrupted. "Commander Zalva. Sorry to bother you! But, you will be getting a new batch of Guardians to train in about one or two days."
"Understood." I replied. "Dismissed."
I heard footsteps disappear into the distance. I turned around to see a father giving his daughter a piggy back ride across the tower with smiling faces as the little girl continued to giggle. It brought back times when (Y/N) was so young, so innocent. I stared at them until they disappeared.
It was close to silence after that. And for a moment, I felt completely alone. Completely calm. I breathed in, and out. And with that breathe, I knew had forgiven myself.

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