page 13

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Right, it was two years ago when I fell deep in love with a friend of Minho. Two years ago when I changed myself to match with the man's taste for him to notice me. Two years ago, when I had my heart broken by the same man who played me.

The terrifying emotion Minho released when he found out was evocative that I still thought about it from time to time. He had his fist curled, veins popping from his arms as his dark eyes radiated a strong hatred. Before he could throw a punch at his 'friend', I held him back.

I remembered how I had to scream at the top of my lungs to stop them, blood rushing to my head, I felt as if my head was about to explode from too much emotion.

"Let's go home, Minho. He's not worth our time." I took Minho by the hand, pulling him out of the bar with eyes still fixed on the two of us who had just drawn unnecessary attention.

Minho was a good friend, he was. But the fact that he had the ability to destroy anything and anyone when his emotion took over him made me shivered in fear sometimes.


How do I look?

[ you sent a photo ]




Do I really look that bad?

It's a new skirt though : (


Just kidding, idiot.

You look fine.

I stared at myself on the mirror, fiddling with the material of my off shoulder blouse and pulling one side of my peach long skirt. Was this too much for a hangout? But Minho did said that it was fine.

I hope it really was.

It was my first and actual hangout with Hyunjin, after all. I tapped myself on the face, trying to boost my self esteem at one in the afternoon, in a quiet neighborhood without depressing songs blasting next door. The only culprit behind every pestiferous noises in this apartment was no other than Kim Woojin.

There was honestly nothing much to talk about him, considering I wasn't close to him, yet not awkward when I crossed path with him. It wasn't easy to see Woojin walked out from his home sweet home, no one knew what he did for living aside from blasting unnecessary loud slow songs on daylight. At the end of the day, everyone was too busy minding their own business.

I tore my attention off the mirror and examined the ticking clock hung on the wall, only to realise I was running late. I let out an inhumane screech as I wove past scattered clothes on the floor, perching my hand on the shoe rack and pulled out the closest shoes I could reached out for.

"Oi, Ms. 301! Where are you rushing to?" Woojin closed the door behind him, his other hand gripping on an enormous trash bag.

"A date!" I exclaimed inattentively.

By the time I reached the said destination, I was an ugly mess, sweats trickling down my forehead and strands of hair sticking out in every direction possible.

"Han Yuna!"

There he was, at midst the all the running and tripping I went through, Hyunjin's voice made me felt at ease. Like a refreshing lemonade on an extremely hot summer. When life gives you lemons, you should indeed, love them.

"H-Hey, Hyunjin..." I greeted breathlessly, voice trailing off at the end as I tried to catch my breath.

"Woah, take it slow Yuna. I'm not going anywhere." Hyunjin rested his palm on my back, softly rubbing it as his voice soothingly asked my to calm down.

Did his voice helped me calm down? No.

Did his voice made me ten times more nervous than I already was? Absolutely.

"So what are we going to do today?" I questioned as I started to perceive my surrounding.

We were standing in the middle of a park, in front of us was a river beaming under the afternoon sunlight. How did I never realize the existence of this alluring place?

"It won't be fun if I tell you now." Hyunjin hummed, his eyes curving into that of a crescent moon.

Oh no. There went my heart screaming 'you have fallen too deep for him!'

He set his hand in front of me. I gaped at his hand, then his face, then back to his hand. Still bewildered, I assumed that he wanted a high five and proceeded to give a light slap on the flat of his palm.

"H-High five?"

Hyunjin immediately burst into a laughing fit, his laugh was like a melody to the ears, pleasing to listen to and you never wanted it to stop.

"You're cute, do you know that?"

"W-w-what are you talking about?"

There went my serious stuttering again that made everything more awkward than it already was. I turned my head to the side, avoiding eye contact with Hyunjin. However, he eventually found his way back to my eyes and gazed straight into them. His eyes twinkling brighter than a puppy's eyes.

"Look at me, won't you?" He tilted his head to the side, lips curling into a pout.

Holy pickles, someone please save my poor heart.

Hyunjin chuckled and brushed it off, then continued to catch me off-guard when his hand snaked its way towards mine, his delicate fingers filling the gaps between my fingers, gripping on it firmly.

"Let's go, we have a lot to do today."




yaaas my first author note ever. i wanted to apologize that the update have become gradually slow, exam is coming and all. also, not an important information but i have decided to partially change the plot of this story. please look forward to it, or not ajfbdjf but anyways, thank you for those who have successfully reached this chapter of the ff! Keep showing your love <3


author out.

petrichor ¦ hwang hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now