Chapter 2.

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"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I do genuinely apologise for my tardiness. I was faced with a rather untimely si- Uhum. Mr Warwick, Miss Weaver need I remind you that I have entered the classroom?"

"Sir, I believe Angela has already forgotten. Simple concepts are a bit difficult for her to grasp." Jonah taunts, while keeping his finger in place.

"Don't underestimate me Jonah Presley Warwick." I lean forward slightly applying more pressure to his septum.

"I'm sure you're used to it, I mean people like you are always underestimated." Jonah says this while smirking. Did he just say what I think he said?

"People like me?" I question quite angrily, "So you mean black people." I bark before angrily crossing both of my arms. I hear a few gasps and snickers because of my statement. At this point I don't even care about this stupid game, I feel genuinely bothered by what he just tried to say. I think I'll give this self-righteous douchebag a piece of my mind.

"Before you start throwing some sort of hissy fit, I actually meant short people." He says nonchalantly, dropping his finger and turning in his desk to face Mr. Milton, who attentively watched the drama unfold before him. "I swear you're so unnecessarily sensitive."

"Mhmmm interesting, well that actually brings me to the topic of today's lesson on 'ambiguity', right so let's get started." Mr Milton begins the lesson with no further interruptions.


"I know for a fact that he phrased it that way intentionally," I state while taking an aggressive bite out of the apple in my hand.

"Or maybe, just maybe, you're overreacting Angie," Shanley says before putting some money into the vending machine in front of us.
"I just don't get why you're so hung up on him."

"I'm not. He just really irritates me, like he fucking irks my existence." I breathe out, slightly angered by what she just said. "I mean you of people should understand, considering how close you guys are." I start to fidget slightly with the tie around my neck. "Some white peop-

"Ok, you need to stop with this wishy washy shit. Not everything is about the colour of your skin. We're all beautiful girl and if you think someone like Jonah disagrees, then maybe you should try to move on and stop talking to him." She looks at me cautiously before kicking the lower corner of the vending machine lightly. "Now, help me get some Skittles from this stupid thing."

"Wait, move on? Move on from what bitch?" I question with hostility after moving between her and the vending machine that she had been kicking. "Care to elaborate?" I ask while blocking her view of the machine.

"Don't play dumb Angie, I saw the daggers you were mentally hurling my way from the moment he started speaking to me. I mean I've said this before and I'll say it again - I'm not interested in Jonah."

"You say it like I am. I'm not into him, I'm not into narcissistis, racists, snobby, arrogant, white boys and ding ding ding; you guessed it - Jonah is all of the above." Yip. " I swear the next time I see him, I'm gana let him have it."

"Whatever fam, now get out of the way." She says before I bend slightly to retrieve the Skittles that had landed in the take-out port between my legs. "Thanks kid, woah speak of the devil." Shanley then waves her arms frantically gesturing for Jonah to come over.

I look around uncomfortably from my position against the vending machine. I absentmindedly take one last bite of my almost forgotten apple before tossing it in a small trash can nearby. Jonah casually continues to make his way over. His usual smile plastered on his face as he throws one arm over Shanley. He then helps himself to one of the Skittles she had begun eating.

"You know half of that bag is mine," I say while returning to my position against the vending machine.

"Ok, I guess you can buy me a bag from there ," he says pointing at the vending machine behind me. "You know what add some Oreos and a packet of Cheez-its and we'll call it lunch, since you owe me anyway."

"Sure, why not?" I then pretend to reach for some money from my blazer and slowly bring out nothing, but my middle finger. "Ohhhh, bummer. Looks like I don't give a fuck."
I can't help but smile at my own joke and neither can Shanley as she snickers from beside Jonah.

Jonah takes a few steps forward. He seems extremely unfazed as he places one hand beside my head onto the display door of the vending machine. He then uses the other to select the numbers of his snack preferences and paying for them. He keeps eye contact as the vending machine cranes forward the selected snacks accompanied by a slow mechanical sound. I hear the goods fall as he keeps looking directly at my immobile form. He chuckles before unexpectedly dropping to his hinges and sliding his hand into the take-out port. This just went from 0 to 100 real quick. Unpredictable, his hand is currently situated between my legs. Instinctively I want to close my legs, but that would only result in them capturing he's fairly toned forearm. I can't stop the heat gushing to my cheeks at the thought. Part of me wonders if I should actually do it. Jonah raises his head to look at me, but not  before pausing at my pelvic region, which was now directly in his line of sight. Even though he technically couldn't 'see' anything, his close proximity to my punani was enough alone to send me over the edge.

"Avert your eyes!" I blurted out immediately, after throwing both my hands over my crotch.

"Ohhhh, bummer," Jonah says before grabbing his things and taking his leave.

"You really let him have it," Shanley added once Jonah was far enough.

"Shut up, Shan."

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