CHAPTER 17: I'm Next.....

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I couldn't believe Cedric was here. However, despite the fact that his step-father is Atlantes, I need for Max to understand that he hates Atlantes just as much as the rest of us. 

"You've got some nerve coming up in here." Max threatens him. 

"Hey man, I don't like my step-father. That's why I'm here to help you guys." Cedric tries to explain. 

"Thank you." I tell him as I glare at Max.

Max looks at me and shakes his head but I don't care, I'm going to prove to him that Cedric isn't setting us up or anything. He then rolls his eyes and agrees to sit down and hear him out. So we walk to the dining room table and take a seat along with Max's Delta's and Reece. 

"Alright, so I overheard Atlantes tell some of his men about his plans with your aunt and Redd and I have to say that we don't have much time. We need to think up of a plan soon." He says with concern. 

"I know. I've been thinking a lot about what we need to do and, I've come up with an idea." I tell him.

I notice Max from out the corner of my eye looking at me confused. I can't look at him when I say what I'm about to say or afterwards but I know that this is the only way. 

"What have you thought of?" Cedric asks. 

"I know that he will never stop going after everyone that I love and care about until he gets me." I I struggle to say. 

"No." Max says while standing up abruptly. 

"Max, it's the only way." I try and explain but he won't hear any of it. 

"It's. Not. Happening." Max says through clenched teeth. 

"But listen to my plan." I tell him while trying to pull him back down in the chair but he won't. 

"I think we should hear her out. I mean, she might be on to something." Cedric tries to defend me but that just makes Max more upset and I notice the color of his eyes start to change, his wolf is about to come out. 

"Calm down." I try and tell Max as I stand up and grab his face to look at me. "It's okay baby, calm down." I try and soothe him but it's no use. 

"The hell with this!" He snaps at me and then leaves the room and stomps his way out back. 

"Excuse me." I tell Cedric as I get up and quickly try and catch up with him. "Wait!" I yell out to him as I grab his arm out back and he right away removes his arm from my grasp. 

"Don't you walk away from me!" I tell him and he turns and starts walking off towards the woods but he doesn't make it a few feet before I hold up my hand and stop him in his tracks making it hard for him to move. 

"Let me go, Tori!" He snaps at me while struggling to take control again. 

"Not until you hear what I have to say." I warn him while allowing him to just turn around and look at me, still not being able to move. It isn't until I see him looking at me that I see tears are falling from his eyes. 

"I will NOT hear anything that has to do with you risking your life with that demon and risk losing you. I don't think you understand how much I love you and it isn't just because of the mate thing." He chokes out. 

"I know." I tell him as I put my hand down and let go of the force I have in holding him still and begin walking up to him. 

I hold his face in my hands as our foreheads touch each other. I feel his hands wrap around my waist. 

"I love you. I can't lose you." He says as he sniffles. 

"I know and you won't. I promise." I tell him as I begin tearing up.

Finally he calms down enough for us to sit back down at the table and I begin explaining to them my plan. 

"Listen, I'm sorry for the way I talked to you." Max apologizes to Cedric. 

"It's alright. I understand." He assures him. 

"Okay, now for my plan." I quickly change the subject. "I know what he wants and I know it would involve me going to him, but, I know that I could distract him long enough while you guys find your uncle and my aunt as well as trying to get rid of him once and for all." 

"But how can we get rid of him? I've been around him most of my life and I haven't been able to do that." Cedric says. 

"I know but, since it's my abilities he wants, then I'm going to make him think I'll give him those but I won't." I explain. 

Max, Reece, Cedric and I all look at each other before finally agreeing. 

"Fine, but we need to think up of more details in what to do before we start this." Max suggests. 

"Okay. We should do it now." I suggested. 

Then I look at Cedric he is looking down at the table and then looks up at me, grinning with his eyes black. 

"You really think you can get rid of me?" He says in a demonic voice that sounds more like Atlantes. 

"Oh my god, he's possessed." I say under my breath. 

"Reece, take him to the basement." Max demands him to do. 

"Get the guys and make sure to chain him up, not tie him up. We'll meet you guys down there." He tells him. 

Reece gets up and although he's struggling, Relic is strong enough to hold him. 

The moment he leaves, Max asks me if I'm alright and to be honest, I'm not. Atlantes has possessed Cedric now and that could only mean one thing, I'm next. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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