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*Kishimo's Pov.*
Yokai ended up chuckling nervously at this. "I mean, that's a good impression of Sun Wukong..." He started off with shoving the fish into my arms, "Hold this for me. And you go find some salt, okay?" He told me , then told Liuer to find salt. "Excuse you! Who do you think you are?!" I yelled at him dropping the fish, getting angry. Ignoring me, he walks over to Sun Wukong, and exclaims, sounding cocky again. "I'll prove that this "Great Sage" is a great fake!"
Yokai then started charging at Sun Wukong, only to have Sun Wukong fingers go into his nostrils. Sun Wukong used this advantage to send Yokai flying into a nearby tree, making me laugh. "Haha that's what you get!" I told him as I watched him stumble. "It is him!" Yokai yelled aloud. "You stinking fleabag!" Yokai yells again trying to stand up.
"You're the reason I came crashing down here in the first place!" Yokai continues, having trouble balancing. "Stuck in this body! For 500 years, with a pig snout on my face!!" He stated only to be interrupted by Sun Wukong."Yeah, it's very good to hang onto."
This offends Yokai, causing him to cover his snout. "To be fair, I think with that additude you deserve it." I told him grabbing the baby and basket, getting ready to leave.
Hearing this Yokai gasped in hurt, only for the sage to laugh. "See she understands." The sage stated before jumping up into the trees. "Are you running away because you're scared?" Yokai yelled looking back at Liuer and me, only to see my 'really look.😒'
"He can't hear you...." Liuer stated simply before Yokai continues. "And don't you come back! Uh, you just got lucky!" He yelled, crossing his arms.
"Oh wow. You're really scared of him." Liuer noted with a smirk look. "No, I'm not ! I'm giving him a head start, so it would be fair, you know?" He replies, obviously lying. "He's so far gone, I don't even think you'll even find him now." Liuer exclaims starting to walk off to find the sage. "I'll have you know I've led armies of thousands! I can transform into anything I want! And I can track the Stinky Monkey for miles." He continued. "Watch and learn! I'll turn myself to a panther and hunt down that fur ball!" He says before turning himself into a day cat. "Really?" Liuer asked making me shake my head. "I'm a panther." He exclaims clearly unaware that he's just a cat. "Alright! let's go follow that monkey!" Liuer explain enthusiastically, trying to follow the sage. "This way." Yokai says gesturing in the opposite direction. "Huh?" Liuer asked, turning to face him. "Uh, yeah..." Yokai mumbles before running off. "Hold on!" Liuer calls out, following him. "That's the wrong way!" I told Liuer before signing and following them. The little Chase goes on for some time before yokai made a sharp left turn, causing Liuer and I to do the same. By the time we caught up up to Yokai, he was out of breath from running. "Oh, I fell something! I gotta go!" He exclaims, making me glare at him before looking away as he did his business. Once Liuer looked away he saw Sun Wukong a few feet away. "Oh, Great Sage!" Liuer yells out running to catch up to him pulling Yokai by his tail, with me close behind.
"Master Sun Wukong! Wait for us!" Liuer yells running up up to him. "We almost lost you back there! Your friend,the panther, helped us find you!" Liuer continues only to stopping to see Yokai gone. " But he was just here..." He stated before shrugging it off. "It sounded like he knew you. Is he a friend of yours? Great Sage, is he really a Buddha, or was he pretending? He seemed like a-" "Wait, let me guess a pig?" Sun Wukong questioned, making me chuckle at it.
"Believe me , a pig is better for him." The Sage stated simply. From this point I started to ignore the conversation, as Liuer continued to talk.
I started thinking back to the trolls. 'Why do the want babies? Who told them to get them? Unless no one is!' I thought not noticing the Sage stop. I felt a pull on my ear only to look and see the baby playing with my head. "Great...Two of them..." I heard the Sage say making me turn to see two Liuer's now.
"Cool! Another me! Oh, your belly's bigger!" Liuer says walking around his duplicate before poking Yokai's belly.
This caused Yokai to transform back into a pig, hitting Liuer with his belly and sending him flying over to the edge of a cliff.
"Liuer, are you okay!?!" I asked walking over to help him up.
"That was so cool! Do it again!" Liuer exclaims happily.
"No!!" I told him not amused with Yokai at this point.
That's when we all heard a rumbling noise coming from the bottom of the cliff....

The monkey King: The Hero is back x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें