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*Kishimo's Pov.*
"Wait, what's the big deal? We don't need to be afraid anymore, cause your here to protect us!" Liuer exclaims happily, punching the boulder lightly.
"Who's gonna protect me from you kid?" Sun Wukong responds, making me laugh and Liuer to look confused.
"Oh! I know kishimo can." Liuer explained pointing at me, making me blush.
"What!?!" The Sage and I asked at the same time, before looking at each other then to Liuer.
"Once we get off this mountain, we are going our separate ways, okay?" Sun Wukong explains, lifting the boulder off his foot yet again, not sounding very happy. Before Liuer could say anything he noticed the baby girl climbing onto the fish.
"Careful! You'll slip and fall!" He cried out running over to her. Since Sun Wukong had gotten the vine stuck around his wrist, instead of the boulder landing on his foot when it dropped down, it launched him into the air, sending him flying and hitting a tree limb.
"Great Sage!" Liuer yelled about to run over to help, only for me to stop him. "No, I'm safer up here..." Sun Wukong tells him weakly. Liuer looked back over to the baby to see she's eating the fish. "So, you like sushi, huh?" Liuer joked, causing himself to laugh as I watched the sage sit on the branch. "I bet that was fun." I told the sage with a smirk on my face, making him nod before he layed back. "Oh, you got jokes too!" He stated smartly only to get a giggle out of me , before I felt eyes on me.
I turned to Liuer just in time to see something running in a nearby bush. Standing up I walked closer to Liuer and the baby as I watched the bushes, waiting for what could be a troll. I heard movement to my right, making me look to see the Sage watching the river. Once I turned around I noticed Liuer had left.
"Liuer!!" I called walking towards the tree line, only to be slammed into by a Buddha? Look-a-like.
"Great Sage!!" Liuer yelled causing the sage to fall from the tree, and coming face to face with the Buddha look-a-like.
"The Buddha statue came to life!" Liuer yelled out, running up behind me, as I stood back up. The "Buddha" then ran up and took the fish off the fire. "I bless you." He said disguising his voice for some unknown reason.
"Buddha told me to take this fish as an offering. So stay back - this fish is Buddha's now!" He exclaims, trying to sound threatening making me sign.
Then all of a sudden, the baby comes out of the fish's mouth, causing him to freak out. Liuer ran over to get her only for us to see the Buddha now had a pig nose, before he turned into the pig Yokai, and starting on the fish.
"Hey! What's wrong with you!?! Don't you know how to ask!?!" I yelled at him as I walked over and punched him on the head, making the sage chuckle. "Ah, he was a Buddha a second ago! Don't you dare try anything, you monster!" Liuer threatens him. He then pointed over to Sun Wukong, who was walking away.
"That's the great sage!" Sun Wukong!"
"Great Sage? Good one!" Yokai replies, not believing what Liuer's saying is true. "Yes he is, and that's Kishimo the Great!" Liuer told him pointing at me, making me look down in shame, as the sage turned to look at me in shock, before trying to walk off again.
"No offense, but that chimp doesn't look like he's great at anything. And the Great Kishimo?! Now I know your messing with me." Yokai says sounding pretty cocky. Sun Wukong stopped dead in his, tracks, looking back at him with an angry look on his face.
If only looks could kill.....

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