"fuck off santana"

Start from the beginning

"Why the hell would I need you to tell me how to get home?" Blaine spat, trying to keep his breathing under control as Kurt's mouth pulled off his neck with a wet pop and he disappeared down his torso.

"Oh, so you're cranky because you still haven't let him fuck you then?" Santana asked snidely. "I bet he's got your cock down his throat right now."

Blaine opened his mouth to vehemently deny her words, but then Kurt did exactly what she'd just said. His breath caught in his throat, and the heat constricted in his stomach as Kurt's lips slid down his stiff erection until his nose was buried in Blaine's sweater.

"Fuck, god, fuck," Blaine moaned loudly, his hips jerking wildly and his foot slipping off the break again.

"I knew it," Santana declared, and if he hadn't been so distracted he would have heard her victorious tone. "Right on Palmer, left onto Grover after you pass Taco Bell. Think you can remember that or should I come pick you two up and let you fuck in the backseat?"

Blaine bit his lip and whimpered desperately as Kurt swallowed around him and pressed his tongue firmly against the underside of his cock. His hips bucked and the phone slipped out of his grasp as he buried his fingers in Kurt's thick hair. He yanked Kurt's mouth off of himself and pulled him into a fierce, sloppy kiss.

"You and your fucking mouth," he growled, biting down on Kurt's swollen lower lip. Kurt moaned against his lips and fisted his hands into Blaine's hair as well. "I want your throat around my cock until I turn this damn car off," Blaine ordered, pulling Kurt's mouth away and forcing it back down to his cock. Eagerly, Kurt sunk his lips back down and swallowed around him. Blaine swore again and thrust his hips up into Kurt's throat as the muscles constricted around him. A deep moan vibrated around his cock and he bucked up again.

From the floor he heard Santana's muffled voice. "You two sound pretty hot."

He didn't even bother responding as Kurt swallowed around him again. It took him another moment to remember that he should be driving. A quick swipe of his sleeve across his sweaty forehead and he fastened his hands to the steering wheel, easing up on the break and turning right out onto the main road. If they made it to his apartment alive it would be a miracle.

Kurt's mouth hummed around him as he sped down the road towards the east side of town. The vibrations were driving him crazy as they grazed up and down the length of his cock, sending hot tingles of lust down his spine. He bit his lip as Kurt swallowed slowly around him, dragging out the tight clinch of his muscles until Blaine was gasping for breath and swerving over into the other lane.

The waistband of his boxers were tugged on and a warm set of fingers coiled around the base of his cock and squeezed. His hips jerked and his foot slammed down on the gas reflexively. He swerved through the intersection, and was almost positive he'd just ran a red light when Kurt slid his other hand under his sweater and started rubbing over his abdomen.

Blaine swallowed thickly, and let out a shuddering breath as he rolled to a stop at the next light. He dropped one of his hands onto the back of Kurt's head and threaded his fingers through the other man's hair, moaning softly as Kurt pressed his tongue back against him. It flicked back and forth for a few moments, swiping teasing across the vein popping up under his skin and dragging wet and hot over his sensitive flesh.

"God, Kurt," Blaine whispered into the dark car. "I am going to ride you so hard for this."

Kurt groaned around him in apparent approval and slid his hand around to Blaine's back, caressing over the sweaty flesh and dipping his hand into Blaine's underwear. He winced as Kurt's hand clamped onto his ass, and a flare of pain shot up his spine from his hole. God, he was already sore from earlier and all he wanted to do was stretch himself more, take more, fuck himself on Kurt's cock until he was sobbing because of how good it hurt.

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