"huh? i didn't do anything about lily. what are you talking about?"

"she came up to me and apologized for everything. said she had some sort of fight with her sister and it had nothing to do with me. sirius, she thanked me for flowers i didn't send. what did you do, you shit?"

"i didn't do anything, james, i swear," sirius answers, giving up on his handstand.

"ha!" remus shouts, grinning proudly.

"hey, quit grinning like that before i kiss that smirk right off your face," sirius warns, grinning himself when remus flushes pink. "but really, james, i didn't do anything."

"then who did?"

sirius shrugs. "remus, restart that timer."

"why? i've already won," remus laughs. "besides, i'm more interested in that kiss you were talking about a minute ago."

"oh, gross," james laughs, shaking his head. "i know you did something, sirius. you can't lie to me."

"i'm ignoring that, not because you're right, but because my boyfriend just suggested that we make out and that sounds like way more fun," sirius says back, but james has already left the common room. sirius sits on the sofa beside remus, who brushes the loose strands of hair out of his face that fell out of his messy bun while being upside down.

"you're a dumbass," remus says, way too fondly to sound anything like an insult. love is bubbling up in his throat, there is no way he could even think about sirius without his heart overflowing with it.

"i'm your dumbass," sirius says back, touching remus' cheek with gentle fingertips.

"can i sit in your lap?" remus asks.

"oh, fuck yeah," sirius says back, and remus can't help but laugh at him as he settles himself there. sirius' hands are resting on remus' hips, and remus' arms are draped over sirius' shoulders, playing with the short hairs on the nape of sirius' neck. "i'm the luckiest dumbass in the world."

"no, i am."

"god, i'm gay. well, bi if we wanna get technical, but whatever." sirius shifts his hands on remus' waist, accidentally tickling him, and remus laughs, squirming. "sorry! was that okay? i didn't mean to tickle you."

remus is still laughing a little. "no, it's okay. i haven't been tickled in ages."

sirius raises an eyebrow. "can i tickle you?"

remus narrows his eyes. "what do i get out of it?"

"you get to make out with someone who adores you right after," sirius offers, and remus' entire countenance goes soft.

"dick move of you to use your love for me like that, knowing it would work," remus says back, and sirius grins. "but sure, go ahead."

sirius immediately moves his hands up remus' ribs, and immediately his boyfriend is laughing, squirming desperately to free himself. sirius manages to get him trapped on the sofa, hovering above him, unable to keep from laughing himself at remus' hysterical laughter. he stops when he sees tears welling up in remus' eyes, and he finds himself having the thought that even that is beautiful. seeing remus let out the last remnants of laughter, wiping tears from his eyes, even that is beautiful. and god, he is in love, he is in love, he is in love. he has to kiss him now, while his smile has still made the corners of his mouth all soft and dimpled.

"can i kiss you?" sirius asks, much too softly, voice its own love song.

"please," remus says back, and there is a tear still forming at the corner of his left eye. sirius kisses that away first before finding remus' mouth, and then they are both lost in the kiss. sirius can't think about anything else even if he'd wanted to, he's only aware of remus beneath him and his hands in remus' hair. then remus makes a sound when sirius gently bites at his bottom lip, and that sound is going to echo in sirius' head for the rest of time. that one beautiful, perfect, pleased sound. sirius has never loved anything more.

when he pulls back, out of breath, eyes roaming over remus' face, he can't help but tell him he loves him again. "i would do anything for you, sweetheart. it terrifies me."

"me, too," remus says back, just as breathless. "i'm so glad you feel that way. it scares me, too." he leans up, kisses sirius' forehead.

"by the way," sirius continues, "i know you're the one who sent lily the flowers for james."

remus' face blanks out in shock for a second, and that confirms it for sirius even more. "what?"

"i know it was you. you were at the table with us, and you were too quiet throughout the whole conversation."

"peter was there, too!"

"yeah, but he was reading some book. he wasn't listening. i know it was you, angel. i think it's sweet. it...it means a lot to me that you care about james, too."

remus touches sirius' hair, really falling out of his bun now. "i care about anyone who knows how to love you the right way."

sirius just lets out a low groan before hugging remus to his chest. "what the fuck! what the fuck, how are you so perfect? i'm so in love with you!"

remus is laughing again, kisses the side of sirius' face. "i'm so in love with you, too. dumbass."

"your dumbass," sirius repeats.

"my dumbass. all mine."

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