Chapter 9. The Red Galleon.

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Chapter 9.

                                      The Red Galleon.



I woke up from deep sleep with a jolt. Luke was shaking my arm,

“Wake up!” he yelled. Together we ran on deck, Luke tossed me a telescope.

“Look over there!” he pointed into the horizon, where a giant red galleon was sailing hastily towards us.

“Who are they?” I asked. Luke was standing on the edge of the ship holding onto a rope ladder to get a better view.

“Pirates!” He breathed. Pirates? I knew what they were, swashbuckling rogues who follow no rules. They always sound thrilling!

Luke had turned the ship around, but the galleon was fast and soon caught up to us.

Four pirates grabbed hold of some rope and swung over onto our ship. Two of them grabbed me and the others got hold of Luke. We struggled and thought, but these pirates had a stronger hold than the sheriffs’ guards. I kicked and lashed out at the two pirates who held me, one put a hand over my mouth, so I bit him till he bled.

“Arrrgh!” screamed the pirate, so I bit him again. “Arrrrgh!” He screamed again.

“Oh do shut up, Jones!” shouted the pirate at my other side, he had a patch over his left eye and a scarred right eye.

“WELL!” huffed Jones. They carried me and Luke on board, ‘arr’-ing and cursing. We were dragged before a man with a curling black beard and long black hair tied in a pony-tail, his boots were matted and salt encrusted. An ocean blue feather stuck delicately out of his hat and his leaf green jacket was embroidered loudly and richly with golden thread.

“Jones!” he shouted, almost… warmly, “What was all that shouting about?”

“The blighter bit me, Captain!” Jones replied rubbing his hand.

“Well, keep him restrained then he won’t be able to bite you.” Replied the Captain curtly. Luke sniggered at the ‘him’ remark, and the bad eyed pirate chuckled. Jones went red and scratched his balding head.

“Er…no sir!” he said and Luke and the bad eyed pirate began to laugh and chuckle. “She bit me.” He choked out.

The Captain laughed. I was surprised, his laugh didn’t sound like a cold pirate’s laugh that was meant to freeze the blood of ones enemies (or at least that’s what Luke told me.)It was warm, full of age but it somehow told a story. He motioned to the men that were holding us, who dragged us to a wooden set cabin; the captain himself followed us in.

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