Chapter 13. Equine Civitatem.

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Chapter 13.

                                    Equine Civitatem.



In the early morning Luke and I walked back to the Centaur village with Tiren. He and Lauriel took us all around the city, through the Sky Guard quarters, we met the Pegasus’s and their riders that flew across the sky morning through evening. We went to the Stables of the Gods which personally were my favourite bit.

“And this-“explained Tiren “-is Arion.” He patted the bay pinto shire gently, lovingly on the back.

“Wow…!” I breathed

“Arion is the divinely bred, immortal horse of which was presented to Demeter from Poseidon. He is faster than the fastest thoroughbred, swifter than a fish in water…!”

I played with his course mane, plaiting it gently; it was down to his shoulder and tar black. His eyes were almost transparently white.

We then went to the Temple of Apollo.

“We centaurs believe and pray in many gods some Greek, some Ventor Mandorian. But we centaurs believe mostly in Apollo.” The temple was pure marble white, it was small and open. It stood in the middle of a small lake know as the River Hoof, it opened straight into a small posh cave with a silver statue of Apollo shooting his silver arrow.

After the tour, we went back to the centaur village where Tiren put Lauriel in charge of us. There she told us all their plans.    

 “All centaurs have to find a mate, and when they do they are mates for life. Both centaurs know when they find their mate because at first they hate each other with the strongest hate! But then it eases…” she explained.

“Is that what happened to you and Tiren?” asked Luke from beside me.

“Yes…” Lauriel smiled at the memory.

“So what happens next?” I asked.

“Me and Tiren want foals…” she went red underneath her tanned skin, “three of them if possible!” Luke and I laughed alongside Lauriel.

“Do you want to go and see Jude now?” she asked,

“Yes!!” Me and Luke cried in unison. We made our way up the fort steps (Lauriel told us the Fort was called Kabayo Fort.)

She led us in and up the spiral staircase that twisted off to the side of the hall. She led us along a corridor and into a large stone room, and there laid down on a wooden bed with a fox on his lap, was Jude.

“Jude!” called Luke and he ran over but just as he did the fox jumped off Jude and ran to Luke.

Element Warrior. *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora