Chapter 7. Behind Bars.

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Chapter 7.

Behind bars.

“What?! Why?!” demanded Luke and John simultaneously, the guards then accused me of magic and sorcery. They dragged me (Whilst I was screamed and seethed) to the heavy stone castle tat stuck out of the village like a sore thumb. I was thrown down at the feet of a rotund man, with a pointed black beard, in lavish red and purple robes. He sat lazily on his thrown, and for someone who is meant to be in charge he looked like he couldn’t give a donkey. He rolled his annoyed mahogany eyes, aggravated.

“What is the meaning of this intrusion, Palamore?” His grizzled voice jarred.

The guards looked nervous and agitated. “Ur…Sh-sheriff this peasant-“ he spat out the word as though it tasted fowl and felt slimy in his mouth. “-Is suspected for sorcery and witchcraft.” The first guard, obviously in charge between the two, had a cracked and squawky voice. He clasped my marked arm tighter and shoved it forward for the sheriff to be inspected. The sheriff sneered at me, then grabbed my arm and peered disgustedly at it.

“You may be right Palamore.” He uttered. “Take her away then!”

The guards nodded and shoved me towards…where? The dungeons I suppose. Luke and John tried to follow, but more guards stood like a wall in front of them. As they pushed me down cold stone stairs, Luke cries echoed behind me. It was nice to know that he, at least, cared. They slung me behind the crumbling, rusty bars, rats scuttled out of the way. Sun drifted through the barred window, it was warm blaring onto my back, so I crawled into the corner out of the sun. Hugging my knees, I wondered where it went wrong. I wondered what happened before the corn field. I wondered what I was before I met Alice. What would have happened today if I hadn’t agreed to go out with John and Luke? What would have happened if I hadn’t met them?

Seconds, stretched into minutes, minutes stretched into hours. But the hours felt like months. A guard, Palamore I think, addressed me.

“Tomorrow morning the sheriff will give you a fair trial, to check if you are a witch.”

“Which I am NOT.” I insisted. Palamore huffed, and left me to drown in my own thoughts.

More time passed, when suddenly…

“Psst!” I jerked my head up and looked around the cell.

“Psst!” I heard it again more clearly though. It came from the barred window. I jumped up to see who it was. It was Luke.

“What ARE you doing?!” I whispered furiously. He grinned and showed me a file. “You’re going to break me out?!” he nodded. “What?! What would Alice and John think?”

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