Chapter 2

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"What?!" I exclaimed. "Kidnapped?"

"Yes," explained Eric. "You were kidnapped. The police said that you were probably taken on your way back from school. "

My situation was getting harder and harder for me to believe, but something within me told me that it just might have been true. "When did I get taken? How long was I gone?"

"The police said you were kidnapped four days ago, and you were gone for close to seventy-two hours. "We only have what the police are reporting, because of your memory loss. So, for the time being, we're going to have to take their word as law. If you still don't believe us, then, by all means, go to the police and ask them."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Well, why don't I remember any of this?"

"They said you might have suffered a heavy hit to the head, causing you to lose memory of a bunch of important stuff. They don't know if your captor wanted you to lose your memory, or whether you may have gotten hit in a struggle." Explained Eric.

"What's crazier is how the search ended," added Kyle with an exhausted chuckle.

"How?" I asked, turning to Eric.

"Apparently you had escaped by yourself. The cops found you unconscious, and pretty beaten up, right at the front steps of the police station." Eric said.

I searched my mind for anything related to what happened, but I found nothing. It frustrated me to hear all of that, and not be able to verify whether it was true. There was one thing I felt, as I was listening, and I wasn't going put that aside. For some reason, I still felt like the two people in front of me couldn't be trusted, even if they really were my family. Something about the two of them seemed off.

"Who was it?" I asked, trying not to let them know that I was still suspicious.

"You mean the one that took you?" Eric asked. "Mr. Harrison, was the man that took you. He was a teacher at your high school. He taught your third period biology class."

"Pervy, right?" Kyle said with a gross smile. "He's in jail right now, so we don't have worry about him grabbing you again.

Eric kept explaining, which brought my attention back to him. "So that's where we are right now. Yesterday the police brought you over here, gave you some sedative, and told us to explain everything to you once you woke up. You were unconscious since the police found you at the station."

"You hungry?" Kyle asked, as he strode over to the kitchen. "Thirsty?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. I'd rather just go back to sleep, and try to remember what happened. Is that okay?"

Kyle shrugged his shoulders and pointed at Eric. "Ask Dad," he replied.

I shifted my gaze over to Eric, who looked completely exhausted. Eric nodded his head. "Sure, sure. Go right ahead. You know where your bedroom is. Let me know if you need anything, alright?"

"Alright," muttered, completely confused by everything that Eric and Kyle told me.

"Oh, and Hank?" Eric asked.


"You wouldn't be opposed know...going to school tomorrow?"

Kyle butted in before I could say anything. "Jeez, Dad. That's the first thing you want him to do? Go to the school where his teacher was a perverted kidnapper, and nobody saw him get taken? Hell no!"

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