Chapter 27

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Sleepiness started to creep into my eyes, as I sat a few feet away from Talon. I was pretty sure that sunrise was going to be on its way in a few hours. Without food in my stomach, there wasn't much that could stop me from wanting to sleep as soundly as Talon was sleeping...

            Except one thing; the memory stick in my pocket.

            When the hospital admitted Talon, they quickly performed x-rays, and stitched him up. Once he was in his own private room, they gave him some morphine and let him rest. I was pretty sure that Talon was going to be out for at least a few more hours from all that had happened.

            It was the perfect time for me to see what was on the drive. I quickly checked to see if Talon was still asleep, then made my way over to the computer that was on the far side of the room. Next, I pulled the keyboard towards me, and found the computer unlocked. Pulling out the worn flash drive, I inserted it into the side of the computer monitor, and quickly opened up the folder icon.

            "You awake, Talon?" I asked, just to check one more time.

            There was no answer. I turned back to the computer monitor, and took a deep breath to prepare myself for what was on the drive.

            Thoughts flashed through my mind about Thomas, and what he had said at the bar. Thomas had told me that I was being manipulated...that I was being played. He already knew that I was suspicious, however.

            What Thomas wanted me to know, was something new. He found out something that completely changed the way he viewed Talon, and the colony. Thomas went from being indefinitely loyal to Talon, to severely injuring him, perhaps wanting to kill the colony's leader.

            There were two folders that were loaded onto the memory stick. I clicked on the first one and noticed that there were plenty of files inside. I didn't want Talon seeing me read what was on the flash drive, so I skimmed what was on the first folder as fast as I could. It was hard to do so, however, because there was so much information.

            "Damn it," I muttered quietly, as I scanned the information in front of me.

Thomas was right, when he told me that I was being played. The files in the first folder were CIA expense reports, as well as documented meetings, pertaining to the colony. What confused me was that the colony wasn't in Talon's control, as I had thought it was. The reason that the colony was alive was because it was funded by the CIA. There were even files stating that they were going to place Talon as the leader of the colony, and make it seem like the anthros were in control it.

            Talon knew all of this, as well...and that wasn't all...

            In the second folder, there were lists of missions, initiatives, and plenty of deaths. All of them were brought upon by members of the colony, and ordered by someone inside the CIA. Talon wasn't trying to keep the secret about anthros away from humans...he was doing what the humans didn't want to be caught doing.

            I couldn't help but clench my fists in anger. I pulled out the memory stick, and crushed it with the strength of my paw. So much emotion took control of me, and I did the only thing that I could think of.

            I whistled as loudly as I could.

            "Ouch," Talon mumbled, awaking from his slumber. "That was loud."

            I locked the door to Talon's room from the inside, and quickly shifted into my anthro-form. I could feel my ears flatten, and the fur on my neck rise, almost automatically. A low, guttural growl came out from within me, making Talon strain to look at me.

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