Chapter 25

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It had come around to their date, and Harry had told Louis to dress up formally. Louis was left without knowledge of what was going to happen and had of spent a lot of time thinking about it.

"Do you know what it could be?" Louis asked as his mum fixed his tie.

"Not really boobear," she said as she tried to hide her smile.

"He's been acting a little strange over the past two weeks; I just thought it was weird."

"I don't think there is anything to worry about, just enjoy your date together, it'll be fun and surprising maybe."

"Thanks, mum?" Louis replied while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Let's go downstairs then; he should be here soon."

The doorbell rang, and Louis bit his lip while deep in thought. "Could you get that for me? I want to make sure I've got everything."

"Alright, come down soon okay?"


A few minutes later and Louis was already walking down the stairs to see Harry waiting in the hallway.

They both paused as they looked at each other, with big smiles and bright eyes.

"Hey baby, you look beautiful, as always" he smiled.

"Thank you" Louis blushed and stepped up to kiss Harry. "And might I add, you look pretty dashing yourself," Louis said.

Louis watched as Harry smiled at him before looking like he remembered something.

"Lou, I you flowers."

Louis gasped when he brought out lavender roses and handed them to him. "These are the same flowers from two years ago."

"I'm glad you remembered."

"They still look as beautiful as before. I'll go put them in a vase; I'll be back."

Louis skipped off into the kitchen and placed them in a vase.

"Look what flowers he got me!" Louis exclaimed quietly.

"Aww, they're the same flowers, that's cute" she mouthed back.

"I'll see you later mum," he said, blowing her a kiss. "I'm ready now" Louis smiled.

"Let's go then baby" Louis smiled when Harry took a hand in his, and they left the house.

They arrived at the place, and before they left the car, Harry told him to close his eyes. Louis got a bit suspicious as he recognised where they were going but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Okay, then Hazzie but can't you tell me where we are going?"

"No, otherwise it'll ruin the surprise."

"Alright," Louis sighed.

Louis held onto Harry's hand carefully as he was led through the streets.

"We nearly there yet?"

"Yeah, we're here baby."

Louis opened his eyes to see that they were standing in front of the same restaurant that Harry had asked him to be his boyfriend. A whole load of memories came flooding back to him, and he smiled as his eyes ran over the front of the building.

"Harry, I-"

"I thought it would be special if we went to the same restaurant we went to two years ago."

"Just shut up and kiss me you fool" Louis giggled.

Harry was totally nervous. If being stressed when he asked Louis out compared to how he felt now was anything to go by, he was definitely more stressed than before.

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