Sector 1: Cinnabar Depths

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When the lift finally reached its destination, I was met with more than I was expecting from the map Surge had provided me with. The next room had enormous, cryogenic tubes lining its sides, more than I could count with one look. The room had lighting on its ceiling as well, so I had full view of all the creatures within those tubes, as well as the computer managing it all.

This computer was left on as well, and was just as operable as the ones I first encountered. I kept my eyes peeled as I warily approached to read what had been left on screen, only to become more confused and concerned than before. Despite my assumptions of it being impossible, this computer had many documents, reports, and even diary entries on the creation and containment of Mewtwo. It even had dates that appeared accurate to the time of Mewtwo's reported incidents.

I stood back and leered around the room, losing my mind. The tubes all contained Ditto, but each and every one of them maintained an intimidating form that resembled a powerful Pokémon, only mutated into forms similarly to what I had fought earlier. Nidoqueen with monstrous claws, Sandslash with excessive horns and arm length, Alakazam that were seemingly disembodied – the sight caused my stomach to churn, and I reluctantly raised Varia at it all.

"Surge, are you seeing this?" I asked, scanning it all. He couldn't hear me again, thankfully. I regretted speaking just there as my voice came out panicky and hinted of oncoming tears. I was frightened by the inhumanity of whoever made this scenario a reality.

Pyonchi barked at me, making me jump. I stared at him wide-eyed, going stiff at his determined growl and continued shouts. I knew what he was saying, and I knew he was right. Whenever I would panic this way, he would tell me that I'm the only one who could do this. Sometimes it took more than that, like him shocking me, or even going as far as to try and find food for me. Either way, he always waited for me and he never gave up on me. That was something I loved about him.

"You're right. No one but us has to know that I can be scared, right?" I whispered, leaning down at him. He completely shifted mood, nuzzling himself onto my hand and knees. I smiled a bit, taking his words to steel my breath and take control of the situation.

There wasn't anything to take control of. These creatures were modified Pokémon, and all of them were currently frozen in the tubes. The only way to unlock them was via one of the computers, so there was no way I could get attacked by them unless I did that, as the only one here. I still couldn't help but shudder as I advanced, scanning the tubes more closely at each of the half-transformed Ditto until I found one that was 'familiar'.

There was a half-Rhydon, half-Scyther. I snapped a photo and got as close to the tube as I could, even laying a hand upon its freezing surface. My fingers stuck slightly, telling of how cold they were. The creature within was sterilised, seemingly perfect in the development of its features. Whoever had created this hybrid had done a truly exceptional job of keeping its growth stable, despite it being frozen.

Ditto that were in the midst of Transform, possessing bolstered features and hybrid mutations. Was someone trying to recreate Cinnabar Island's project? To try and create the world's strongest Pokémon through the use of Ditto as opposed to the mythical Mew? I needed answers, and now. I signalled to Pyonchi and walked quickly, heading for the far exit to the room.

Another hatch. And then a few more corridors with split paths. Everything was pin drop silent, so I could hear every breath and careful step I took through these hi-tech hallways. The further I went, the more the metal, wires, and convoluted machinery took over the natural rock that shaped these tunnels. Not a single hint of life showed, besides the earlier room. When I got to the room Surge had suggested me to get to, I stopped outside and leaned on the entrance.

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