Chapter 1.

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My head rests upon my arms as I turn my head slightly to continue my quiet observation.
You'd think the longer you looked at something, the more flaws you'd be able to find right? Wrong.

I immediately take note of how remarkably straight and polished his teeth are. His smile seems so warm, so assertive, and so perfect. That radiantly beautiful smile simply rests upon his face inviting all bystanders to admire it, to engage in conversation if need be. I swear the longer you look, the more attractive he gets. His striking blue eyes just st-


"Hmmmm" I hum while slowly sitting up straight and slightly stretching before letting my arms fall to my sides.

"Angela, what are we looking at?"

Ester leans back in her chair, trying to get closer to me."While you were laying on your arms you just kept staring, so I was wondering what was so fascinating." I love Ester, but I hate how observant and pestering she can be at times.

"Sorry, I must have been daydreaming again." Now that I'm sitting up straight, Ester takes this as an open invitation to start telling me about her trip to the Bahamas. I don't stop her, I simply nod in agreement and throw in a couple of "yeahs" and "now ways". This is an awful tendency of mine that I'm trying to work on - not getting in my head so much. I want to tell her that I'm not really listening, but I don't think she's noticed either.

I look a bit past her and notice that Mr.Milton has yet to arrive. I look back at Ester and see she seems to still be talking, more to herself than me though. I take this opportunity to get another prolonged look of Jonah. He's still talking to Shanley, as he has been for the past 10 minutes or so. She grinned and sat passively listening to Jonah's story about a recent fishing trip. You could tell by how much he smiled and laughed, that this was important to him. Nevertheless, why not share it with me instead of her? I can't blame him though. Shanley is an amazing listener and has a habit of telling you exactly what you want to hear. She's a good person and they get along so well, that's why I can't help, but envy the possibility of them one day becoming more than friends.

"When do you ever stop talking about yourself?" I blurt out in attempt to end the jovial spirit of their conversation. His attention should be on me, not Shanley.

The question took them both slightly by surprise, as they immediately stopped talking to each other and looked at me.

I look directly at Jonah. He doesn't even look offended. I guess this means he's finally owning up to how narcissistic he can be. Jonah smirks before parting he's lips to answer. Gosh, he's plumply tainted lips are partly responsible for that breathtakingly beautiful smile. I'm pretty sure he exfoliates he's lips with honey and sugar. I should definitely try doing that more frequently. There I go again, not even registering a single word being said to me.

"...come on Angela, you've got to agree with me right?"

"Could you please repeat the question?" I ask, slightly taken aback by the fact that he had still been talking.

"Vergiss es einfach."Jonah then turned around and continued to talk to Shanley in front of him.

"Oh god, again with the fucking German." I hiss, hoping he would respond. I mean I really outdid myself with that one, honestly he's bilingualism is one of the sexiest things about him.

"Fuck you, Angela," he replies with no hesitation.

There it is.

"Wow, y'all really finna be extra hostile today, even though it's the first day back?" Shanley says. I didn't miss the slight irritation in her voice. "Sheeeesh."

"Nope, that one was on her", he says while pointing directly at me.

"I know you're not pointing at me." I look directly at his finger.

"Most certainly not", he says while slowly moving he's finger closer to my face.
"Me? I would never do such a thing," he continues rather humorously. His finger now rests on the septum of my nose.
How he didn't accidentally land in one of my nostrils is beyond me.

I shift slightly closer, trying to assure that his finger doesn't move from my septum. I then do what every logical person in this situation would do. I place my finger on his septum.

"Really, Angela?" Ester questions. Watching the scene unfold. "You do realise class is about to start." I don't respond.
"... ok, I'll just continue talking to myself then."

Any onlookers would assume we were the most childish seniors around, but since the end of sophomore year, our classmates have become somewhat used to our uncanny behaviour with each other. "You guys are too fucking much." Shanley says, mostly directed at Jonah. From the corner of my eye I see her turning around again to talk to other people in the classroom. Mission accomplished. I can't help but smile about my success.

"First one to remove their finger, buys the other lunch." I state. The idea of prolonging his touch just sends subtle shivers down my spine. I now have his undivided attention.

Jonah smirks responsively, "Deal."

A/N : The picture on top is of Angela xxx
Just someone I randomly choose that fittingly suited my oc 😛.
Also I'll try to update as frequently as possible && any references I make in other languages (German) may not be correct guys, Siri be doing them translations 😬

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