October 04, 2018

463 33 1

P u m p k i n S p i c e

Dear fall,

I took a sip of the frappuccino and bit into the chocolate croissant. My eyes were looking at the television in front of me. When the commercial changed, I changed my stretching pose too. Otabear was in the corner of the room watching. Victor the dog, and Yuuri the pig were outside playing with each other.

Life is boring now that everyone I live with is an animal.

Victor: *scratches the door*

Me: You've only been outside for 15 minutes!

Victor: *barks*

Me: *groans* What?!

Victor: *scratches the door*

Me: Dumbass dog what now.

I got up, leaving my drink and croissant on the floor. Once I opened the door for Victor he ran in. My eyes scanned the yard for Yuuri, but the pig seemed to have disappeared. I looked back inside to see Victor sitting where I was. Otabek was looking back and forth between me and Victor.

Idiot. He ate my chocolate croissant and frappuccino. Well was he an idiot? He managed to distract me in order to eat it. That requires a brain.

Shrugging I stepped outside to look for Yuuri. But then Otabear ran up to me.

Me: You know where the bacon went?

Otabear: *growls and tugs my pants*

Me: Oh for damn sakes. What now.

Otabear: *points inside to Victor*

Me: Yeah he ate my food. So what? *starts walking again* He just won't get food today.

Otabear: *facepalms and growls*

This went on for a good 5 minutes. Otabek wouldn't stop pestering me until I yelled at him to go back inside. He looked at me, growled, and ran inside. It's times like these when I wish I found the solution to turn them all back. Another minute passes by. I still haven't found Yuuri. Otabek comes out with a chocolate bar in his mouth.

The chocolate bar he gave me after my performance last year as a gift. I decided not to eat it because it was special, and I was full anyway. Can bears eat chocolate?

Me: Hey! *takes it out of his mouth* I don't even think it's safe for animals to eat chocolate!

Otabear: *points inside at Victor* *points at chocolate*


I ran inside realizing why Otabear was trying to get my attention. Victor, a dog, ate the chocolate croissant. My chocolate croissant which has chocolate. CHOCOLATE IS POISONOUS TO ANIMALS!

Victor was lying down. His chest was bearly moving.


Victor was gonna die of chocolate poisoning if I didn't get him to the vet on time.

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