Chapter Twelve

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**Extra Long**

"David that's amazing! I'm happy for you and Max, he must be somewhat happier than when he was at camp."

"I think and hope so. It really does seem like it, tonight he was wondering how to comfort somebody, I taught him how, and he asked if I could show him he was very hesitant though. I showed him and he hugged me and he told me why he was frustrated a bit."

"I'm glad that he finally has a good home life now. Especially if you're the dad."

"Yeah, I'm happy about it." He sighed and smiled, "Anyways, what's going on with you? Anything great and amazing?" She could tell he was smiling through the phone. He ended up wandering around aimlessly the living room and kitchen.

"No, not really, just keep working and trying to do something else with my life." She chuckles a bit.

"What kind of something else? Like work? Fun? Going out to do something?"

"Fun and going out... Uh, hey David?"


"Wanna go out?"

He smiled and freaked out a bit in his head, "Go out? Like what?"

"Like a date maybe?" She was also freaking out in her head, anxiety was up but she was gonna do it anyways.

"Yeah! Yeah, totally." He smiled, "What do you wanna do for that then? Day, evening night?"

"Late evening? I don't have work then so what day would work for you?"

He thought of days when he wouldn't need to take the kids anywhere whether it would be for a game or something else, Normally they didn't do anything on the weekend or Monday night. "This weekend or Monday?"

"How about..." She thought for a few seconds, "Tomorrow?"

"Alright! Where do you want to go?" Max peeked out of his room hearing what was going on.

"How about going out for coffee, I would pay for that, and then we could go to like a lake or something, not maybe swim since that'd be freezing."

"I know a great place! It's called cotton-mil, there are a few lakes there and a forest surrounding it, it's really fun to up the trails."

"Alright let's go there then."

"I can pick you up!"

"Alright, get me around eight then. Don't wear anything fancy alright?"

"Yep! Okay, see you then!" Gwen the hung up, her heart pounding, but glad she did it, she loved David, he's been with her through thick and thin and then getting to work with him for about three or two months during the summer, every day. David was the same way, he was having a great night! First, he got to help out Max and be supportive to his friends then being called dad for the first time, and now he was going on a date with Gwen!

He decided that he was gonna call it a night, and sleep. He went to check on Max before anything, Max was sitting on his bed, he plugged in his phone and turned off his lamp. He lied down, that's when David checked on him.

Bittersweet (Max x Reader) Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن