Chapter Five

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Max's Pov

It's the third day of school now, I'm already tired of most of the people I've talked to and met. A few people from camp are here and I'm fine with them unless I didn't like them there. Unfortunately, I have a few classes with those people, and I've learned so does Y/n.

Speaking of Y/n, I only have two classes with her. First block and last block. We have four classes for the day, and the day is from 805am to 320pm. How fun, right? Luckily I don't have Harrison in any of my classes. I have Nurf though, last class too. Moving on.

I wake up early as hell, I make my coffee and get dressed, putting on my regular hoodie and jeans and shoes, I just get ready before I eat then brush my teeth and leave. David takes me then he goes to work.

I get there and meet Y/n there. We hang around the school until we go to class and even then we sit next to each other. The teacher said he didn't mind where the students sat at. So we sat next to each other in the back closest to the door. Our first class was math, sadly. But I seem good at it... For now at least. Y/n doodles and draws a bunch on her homework she gets. Including the sketchbook she brings. For right now, I look over at what she draws while she takes notes in the notebook her teacher told us to get out. I'm taking notes and paying most of my attention towards the teacher the other towards her. She's not drawing much just little people. They aren't stick figures either which makes them even better.

I've determined that most of my focus is not on the class and I don't think hers is either.

Y/n's POV

I got up. Got ready. 3rd day of school. Bought some coffee on the way to school. My brother brings us to school now. So it's much nicer.

Anyways, we get to school, I go and hang out with Max. We hung out with Nikki and Neil too just talking about whatever we wanted to. It turns out I have Nikki in my third block and I don't have Neil in any classes yet. Maybe next semester.

Max and I have the same first block, we get to it once the bell rings. We sit in the back by each other and listen to the teacher but in just a bit I'm already drawing in around my notes in my notebook. I'm paying attention and writing in everything, drawing in the examples in and graphics, things like that, I look over so is Max. A few minutes later I notice he's watching me draw while I take notes. I mean he's still taking notes, but it seems to pay more attention to this or me.

"What are you drawing?" He asks in a quiet voice.

"Just a human." I reply back, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm bored as fuck. I already know some of this stuff, I learnt it last year. Just a reminder or recap or whatever." He nods, I write down some more of the notes he tells us to write down.

"So if you know this shit, why write it down?"

"BE QUIET BACK THERE!" I drop my pencil, shit, he fucking scared me. "Are you writing these down? Better be." I catch my breath.

"Yes. I'm taking them down. So is he." I state keeping my cool.

"So if I came back there," He says as he comes back "You have everything on that board?" I nod, annoyed. Max does, in fact, have the things on the board.

"All right good. And stop drawing. Jesus, this is math, not art." He says as he walks back to the front. I look right at him and draw anything that comes to mind. He doesn't notice knowing his back is to me.

A time skip, WOAH- It's after school

I walk out over to where Max, Nikki, and Neil hang out after school when our rides aren't here.

Since we have the last class together, we both are already leaving and talking to each other. We wait for the others to join soon.

"Hey, guys!" Nikki jumps behind me making me jump, my reflexes react before I can though, I accidentally elbow her in the gut.

"OH GOD- Holy shit oh my god I am so so sorry oh fuck- Nikki are you all right?" I say turning to her, she holds her gut/stomach

"Its fine," She takes a deep breath, "sorry about that, I didn't think you'd react like that." She stands back up taking a deep breath Max lets out a small snicker

"Damn, I didn't even expect you to do that," Max says coming into the conversation.

"It would've been nice to know that she was behind me," I say looking back at him.

He shrugged "I wanted to see your reaction, and it was a bit funny too." He shrugged.

"I'm fine though, it doesn't hurt too much now." She confirms. I nodded.
"All right good. Sorry again anyways, I think my ride is here. Tell Neil if you see him I said hey." I wave and walk out of the school going to my brother's car. I smile at this, I really didn't want to be picked up by my parents today, or any day.
Anyhow, I get in and leave back to the house.

3rd POV

After Neil showed up a few minutes Y/n had left, the trio talked until Nikki was the last to b picked up this time. After that, Max walked to David's garden shop.
Once Y/n got home she went straight to her room with her brother to do some homework before she did anything else  other than grab a drink of water before heading to her room.

"So are you gonna pick m up from now on since we go to the same school for now?" Y/n asks sounding hopeful.
"Haha, yes that's great."

Children schedules-

MAX- 1) Math 2)Geography 3)Gym 4) Photography

Y/N- 1) Math 2)Art 3)Geography 4) Photography

NIKKI- 1)Earth Science 2)Foods 3)History 4)Gym

NEIL- 1)Biology 2) Foods 3)Computer Sciences 4)Honors English

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BAM NEW CHAPTER FOR YOU GUYS! Also I'm taking a small break from the animatic. I really wanted to give a chapter especially I've been trying to look for the motivation for this one, but I finally got it out and I'm pretty dang proud of myself for getting this one out. I hope you guys enjoy this one!

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