Joining S.H.I.E.L.D

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Bella's P.O.V

We got on some type of boat. We went to see some people Nick Fury said that are the Avengers. Their names are Natasha, Steve, Tony, Clint and Bruce. their code names are Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Tony Stark aka Iron Man,

Clint aka Hawkeye,

Bruce Banner aka hulk.

Nick said I would be joining this team after the ture and then I will move into Stark tower. After the ture the team help me moved into Stark Tower.


Back in Forks

Alice's POV

This is the second vision I had of Bella joining some type of military thing this time it's called S.H.I.L.E.D.


Next I see Bella with some weird guy in gold armor with forest green and black clothing. Kissing on a couch with six people around them.

___________End of vision_____________

Edward also saw that vision both of them and came running downstairs screaming what again and I told him you need to stop screaming what if you never left her this would never even be happening.


Edward's POV

What have i done.


Back in New York

Bella's POV

I am officially an Avenger I told Nick that I have powers. He said good. I have just started training with my powers and it is fun. I haven't trained with my power since I was 10 it was good to start using them again. My wings really need to stretch out after being tucked in so tight for a long time. I felt relaxed for the first time in a long time.

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