Edward leaving Bella

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Bella's POV

he asked me to walk with him. He wanted to talk. Edward mean against the tree and stared at me his expression was unreadable. okay let's talk I said. It sounded braver than it felt. he took a deep breath. Bella we're leaving .

I took a deep breath to. This was an acceptable option. I thought I was prepared. But I still had the ask.

Why now? Another year-

Bella its time. How much longer could we stay in Forks, after all? Carlisle can barely past 30 he's claiming to be 33 now we have to start over soon regardless.

his answer to confuse me. I thought the point of leaving was to let his family live in peace. Why did we have to leave if they were going? I stared at him, trying to understand what he meant.

he stared back coldly.

With a roll of nausea I realize I'd misunderstood.

When you say we-," I whispered.

I meant my family and myself. Each word separated and distant. I shook my head back and forth mechanically trying to clear it. he waited without any sign of impatience. It took a few minutes before I can speak. Okay I said I'll come with you. No you can't Bella where we're going... its not the right place for you. I'm no good for you Bella. I don't love you you were just a mere toy that I had interest in. Because you're silent mine and your blood. But do me a favor don't do anything stupid and reckless for... Charlie's sake, And I'll do a favor for you and return I promise you'll never see me again. With that he was gone. I went back to the house in a daise. I wasn't about to listen to him I was going to be completely stupid and reckless. I don't care what he accident he left me in the woods which was completely stupid and reckless so I'm going to be stupid and reckless. I was going to join the military Army Air Force I signed up from all of those,And I got accepted I was the captain but I had to finish school first. About 2 months later I finish school.

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