Twenty two: Holy Sh$t

Start from the beginning

"...hmm...why'd you have to that???"

"Say what? Ask if you're nervous"

"No. No dude, the undies part" I answered totally embarrassed. He smiled and asked "can I see them again"

"Noooo. I have bigger issues, Rose is starting to hate me"


"I swear I'm gonna kill you if you forgot who Rose is again"

"Okay okay...hold on. I got this, that chick that said hi to Cherri at lunch"

"Your getting warmer but no"

"Chick...beside Cherri?"

"Ya douche"


"Yes. How do you not know this. She looks exactly like Raven...just more innocent."

"Never noticed."

"That's what she's upset about, that guys don't notice her"

"Especially not with her sister around"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Raven...She's violent, brutal and any horny guy would try to have her"

"You're pretty horny yourself, how come you haven't tried"

"I spent all my time wondering why you weren't affected by my flirting, so I kept flirting with you until you gave in" Ayrton said holding me on his lap. I stared down at him and said "so...what do I do? I can't leave her like this. She really likes you"

"Natie, a lot of girls really like me"

"Not helping"

"Don't worry, I only want you"

"Ayrton...she likes you...a lot. She wanted to be your one and only, and I know a lot of other girls do too. But this is different...she's my friend. I care about her, and don't want her to do anything stupid because her heart is broken" I spoke truthfully. Ayrton slowly pulled me down onto his chest and let me lay there close for while. He spoke low and said "we'll figure something out."


My problem with Rose has been dawning on me a lot. All through third and fourth period that and sex was on my mind. I couldn't stay calm around Ayrton lately, maybe it's because I knew sex was always on his mind. Now it's on mine especially with that bet in play. I haven't even loss my bet's on my mind. And Rose...her feelings for Ayrton...her poor one-sided feelings. I wanted Rose to find her would boost her up. I mean with Ayrton around always complementing's embarrassing but sweet. School had ended for the day and that's when it happened. I received a text. A picture to be accurate.

It wasn't from Ayrton...or Raven...or Cherri...or even was from...Maone. How the hell? I deleted his number. I deleted him from every social network I ever friended him on...and yet he still kept my number. But that's not the point. The point was he was beside two awfully familiar babies. THE TWINS. HOLY FUCK HE WAS IN MY SISTER'S HOUSE. OH SHIT.


What was he doing there? How did he even get in? Where were my sister and Rapha? Okay okay, Rapha is probably still at work and maybe Layla too...but she should be on her Maternity leave...but....oh god. Then a message followed {I've got your niece and nephew here all cozy. Why don't come over before I kill them. Come alone}. I sobbed. Oh shit...god. Ayrton walked up behind me. Oh shit. Umm, what do I say. I have to go and save my niece and has to be just me. I have to...tell Ayrton something so he's not suspicious. Ayrton said "so...wanna come over? We could all third base in my room"

"Haha, how cute" I answered randomly, not even really listening.


"I mean...I'll come over later okay...I want shopping?"

"Right...are you okay?"

"Ya no I'm fine, I'm so golden. Uh look I'll see you later" I kissed him on the cheek and ran off. Hopefully I played that off well.

I ran as fast as I could to my sister's house. It was empty. No one here at all, I checked any and all rooms. I found the babysitter tied up and in the closet. It was one of Layla's friends, Terrie. I hurried and untied her and asked "where is he?"

"Nursery...what's going on Natalie?!"

"Don't worry, I'm going to stop him and then he'll never bother us again"

"Be careful" she said. I ran to the nursery and found Maone sitting in the armchair in the nursery. He had cut his hair now and even pierced his ear. He spoke "miss me, baby"

"Not your baby. And hell no"

"That's right, you're pretty boy's baby now. You better not have brought him. I'm tired of him always ruining what we have"

"We don't have anything. You need to stop trying these crazy attempts to fix our relationship that is truthfully forever broken. We were done...WE ARE DONE. Get over it Maone"

"Has he fucked you yet"


"You heard me"

"That's...none of your business." I said walking closer to the babies. He got up and closed the door. Then he spoke "so he hasn't done his famous Ayrton Rider rock your world sex yet. I'm surprised. Maybe he's just not that into you"

"Fuck off and get a life."

"Hahaha, don't worry. I will when you give it up to me"


"Oh you will. Because you against me...I win every time. Your man Ayrton maybe be stronger than me...but not you. I will have your virginity...and you're too weak to stop me" Maone smiled deviously. Oh shit. He was right on that level. What was I going to do?

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