Punish me...

"DON'T PINCH MY EARS AGAIN!" My hands shoot up to protect my hearing organs.

"Pinch your..pfft!" Dr. Kim bursts into laughter.

"You know Doc, you remind me of that annoying witch called my mother." Mr. Wang groans.

"Pinch your ears, ha! More like pinch your ass."

I gasp loudly.

"You're not gonna pinch my butt, right?" I stare at Mr. Wang terrified.

"No I'm- I thought you wanted to go on a walk." Mr. Wang sighs.

"I do!" I smile.

"He'll pinch your butt, sooner or later." Dr. Kim smirks.

"Shut it doc." Mr. Wang barks.

"So pretty." I watch the leaves fall from trees. Even though it's cold, this scenery sure does make up for it.

I love fall, it's the prettiest of all seasons. All the leaves changing colors, the cool weather, and best of all, the rain.

"Isn't it pretty?" I look up to Mr. Wang who pushes my wheelchair.

He stares down at me and smiles a little. My heart does a weird movement so I look away.

"It is quite nice." He finally answers.

Mr. Wang pushes me to a nearby bench and he takes a seat.

"I wish I could sit on the bench." I glare at my legs. My right leg in a cast that shows my toes and my left foot in a boot with my knee in a brace.

"I can lift you so you can sit on the bench." Mr. Wang offers.

"No. I'm heavy." I refuse.

"No, you're not."

"It's fine I'll just sit in this wheely chair." I shrug but soon grimace in pain.

Mr. Wang stares at me for a good minute. His cool brown eyes still barely showing any emotion. Then he suddenly gets up from the bench.

He moves towards me. His right arm around my back, and his left arm under my legs, lifting me up.

"No! I'm heavy! That's bad for your arms!" I protest.

"You're no where near heavy, Mark." Mr. Wang chuckles.

Woah. I've never seen his face this close up. Cool brown eyes, styled hair, and smooth skin: He's so pretty.

"You're pretty." I admit.

"No. You're prettier." Mr. Wang replies.

I'm...I'm not pretty. My face is hot.

He gently rests me down on the bench, his cheek grazing mine briefly.

"You good?" Mr. Wang asks once he sits down.

"Yeah. Thank you." I smile at him.

I notice how close we're sitting. Our arms touching and I can smell Mr. Wang's familair scent.

"Are your arms okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Are you okay? Treatments going well?"

"Yep....Mr. Wang?"

Mr. Wang throws a sharp glare at me and pinches my ear.

"Ow ow! Sorry! Jackson, It's Jackson." I hold my now aching ear.

"Good. What were you trying to say?"

"Are you mad?" I finally ask.

"Why would I be mad?" Mr. Wang looks at me confused.

Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now