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Harry's POV

Breathe, Harry. Calm down.

When Zayn recommended TommoTats, he sent me a link to the shop's Instagram page, and I immediately fell in love with the main artist's works, and knew he was the one I wanted to tattoo me.

However, he did not have a personal account, so I had no idea how he looked like. Well, besides his tattoo littered arms, that appeared in several photos that showed him working.

Which is why I was in complete shock once I'd actually laid eyes on him.

He was shorter than I expected, but, my god, was he gorgeous. Piercing blue eyes immediately captured my attention, and soft looking, light hair, sat messily on top of his head. His sharp cheekbones were slightly hidden by his scruff, which only made him even sexier in my eyes.

And then he was sat with a knee between my legs, one hand working carefully on my tattoo, and the other holding my thigh in place.

B r e a t h e .

I must've looked uncomfortable, though he probably thought it was the pain, or perhaps that I got restless, but I gratefully took the break he offered.

"Li!" I whispered urgently into the phone as soon as he picked up.

"Hey, H. What's up?"

"What's up? What's up?! Everything is up!" I whisper-shouted.

"The hot tattoo artist?"

"Yes! Wait-- how'd you know he's hot?"

"Oh, he tattooed me a while back. I thought I told you."

"No? How'd you find out about him?"


"Wow, he should be working PR for him."

"Yeah... anyway, what's happening over there?"

"His hand is on my thigh, Li, and he's so hot, and he's just my type, and I'm so sexually deprived!" I rambled, a whiney tone in my voice.

"Then fuck him."

"What?! No! What if he's straight? What if he's gay but not into me? I don't know which one would be worse! What if he outs me?? Modest would kill me!"

"Okay, but! What if he's gay, and into you, and-- do you really think he'd out you? He seemed like a pretty good guy to me."

I thought for a moment, noting Liam did have a point, but still too insecure to make a move on Louis.

"Maybe, but what if not?"

Liam sighed loudly in my ear, before mumbling a 'wait', and I heard him start typing on his phone.

A couple of moments later, my phone buzzed in my hand

"Open your texts." He told me, so I complied.

(Payno sent you a photo)

It was a text thread between Liam and... Niall?


Liam: "hey Ni"

Niall 😏😛: "hey sexy"

Liam: "question"

Niall 😏😛: "shoot"

Liam: "is Louis gay?"

Niall 😏😛: "???????"

Liam: "not for me!!! for a friend!"

Niall 😏😛: "oh. then yeah. gay af lol"

Liam: "okay thanks xx"

Niall 😏😛: "is that all you wanted...? ;)"

Liam: "smh Ni I'm seeing you tonight"

Niall 😏😛: "oof you're no fun"

Liam: "go back to work you pest"

Niall 😏😛: "RUDE"

Niall 😏😛: "suck your own dick tonight"


That's where the conversation was cut off, and I thanked god, because that was too much already.

"You're fucking Niall??" I exclaimed loud enough for only Liam to hear, shaken because it was dawning on me that the sweet little guy that cried into my chest was the same guy my best friend was apparently screwing.

"Yes, but that's off topic, H. Louis is gay! Make a fucking move!"

"But what if--"

My protests were cut off when the door to the studio reopened, and Louis entered his studio.

"Hey, ready to continue?" He asked, handing me a bottle of cold water.

"Get dicked, H!" Liam whispered into the phone and hung up, making me blush furiously.

"Y-yes," I stuttered, coughing lightly, "my friend--"

"Said some dumb shit? Yeah I relate." He chuckled, saving me from some embarrassment by dismissing it. "Niall is the dumbest of them all, but I'm stuck with him."

"Yeah, Liam's usually cool, but he has moments like this where he's... well... anyway, I'm ready." I said, even though I most definitely wasn't.

"Alrighty, let's get back to it!"

He prepared everything once more, and dove back to work.

The pain resumed, and so did the pleasure I tried to subdue.

Even though he's gay, he's clearly not into me. I mean, my dick is right in his face, and he never even glanced at it!

His hand suddenly brushed against a sensitive spot on my thigh, causing me to tense and whimper.

His eyes shot up to mine and he gulped visibly.

"You okay?" He asked slowly, gulping visibly.

I shook my head. "S-sorry, 'm just... sensitive..."

"Oh." He breathed out, obviously trying to regain his concentration.

He brought his gloved hand back to my thigh, resting it on me gently and making my jaw clench.

"I'm gonna continue now, okay?" He asked cautiously, and I nodded in assurance, though I could feel my cheeks burning once again.

Why do I keep blushing?!

The needle entered through my skin once more, and I stifled a moan.

I was usually much better at keeping my reactions in check, but usually I didn't have a sex God tattooing me. And, it was on my thigh, which had always been extra sensitive.

"Just a little bit longer..." Louis mumbled, and even though I assume he meant to sound reassuring, his concentrated voice, and the way he bit his lip afterwards did nothing to calm the beast raging in my tummy.

This is the last chapter I have written down at the moment, so updates may not be as frequent from now on.
Hope you like it so far!
If you do, I'd love it if you ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶i̶t̶ vote and comment!
xx Red

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