Chapter 6

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“Just tell me!” Maki said firmly.

“Fine! I love you, okay!? There, I said it! Now leave me alone!” Nico stormed off, leaving Maki standing there in shock.

“W-what?” Honoka looked just as shocked as Maki.

“Yeah… that's what we were talking about…” Nozomi mumbled to herself.

“Nozomi? Is that true?” Maki turned to her.

“Yes. It's true.” Nozomi confirmed.

Maki walked over to her, “I don't know what to think…”

“That wasn't how she was supposed to confess. I can't blame you.” Nozomi agreed.

“Is that why she was so mean before?” Honoka asked.

Nozomi shrugged, “I'm not entirely sure. From what she said to me, I don't think that's the whole picture.”

“What do you suggest we do then? I'm probably not on her good side again.” Maki asked.

“We can discuss it after class. I think Nico isn't going to show up to practice today.” Nozomi replied.

Honoka groaned, “Again?!”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Anyway, we need to get to class.”  Maki cut in, pointing at the clock.

“Alright. See you later.” Honoka headed off quickly, “Umi will kill me if I'm late!”

“I guess I'll be going then.” Nozomi said as she walked in the direction Nico ran in.

Maki sighed and headed her way.

“Nico… why are you like this? Why do you love me? And why do you hate me at the same time?” Maki mumbled to herself as she walked down the almost empty halls.

“Hello? Earth to Maki.” Rin poked Maki’s cheek.

The red-haired girl didn't respond. She was staring out the window of the classroom, which had emptied out a long time ago.

“Maki-chan!? Hello?!” Rin shouted in her ear.

Maki jumped back, startled, and fell out of her chair.

“I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!” Rin apologized as she knelt beside her.

“I-it's fine. I should've noticed you there.” Maki stammered out, her face turning red with embarrassment.

“What were you thinking about? You've been sitting there for the past hour.” Hanayo asked.

μ's had gathered in the club room to see who would show up to practice. Maki hadn't shown up so Rin and Hanayo decided to go look for her. When Umi brought up the fact Nico hadn't shown up, Nozomi explained that she had fought with someone, who everyone instantly knew was Maki, and wouldn't show up because of that.

“Oh… uh, I can't tell you. It's kinda personal.” Maki replied as she allowed the two girls to pull her to her feet.

“Okay. If you ever wanna talk about it you can talk to us, you know.” Hanayo pointed out.

Maki nodded, noting she probably wouldn't ever do that, “Thanks.”

“Shall we go to the club room?” Rin asked.

“Sure…” Maki mumbled.

The three first-years walked slowly down the hall and talked about how annoying the substitute teacher had been. Along the way, they ran into Nico. She was shoving something into her locker. On a closer inspection, they saw it was a book that was pretty messy.

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