How It Begins

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Who would've thought that I would be trained to be apart of pack of mercenaries. My mother was an elven healer and a world renown one. My father was a magical instructor at the high school for supernatural. This means that magic was a large part of my life. Neither of my parents were trained in combat magic but my dad knew many different uses of magic. When I turned 5, my magic manifested when I touched a magical dagger that was hanging on the wall. The dagger was an heirloom that hung on the wall all the time. After the reaction stopped, my dad checked me for how my magic was shaped. He turned to my mother and told her the one word that would forever determine my future. "Meister." Is what he told her. The smile my mother had was one of proudness even as a single tear rolled down her face. I wish I knew then why she had a single tear fall that day.
It wasn't until 4 years later when my great uncle came to my birthday party that I learned why she shed her tear. My great uncle was spinning a tale to me the other kids about an ancient form of magic that we elves once possessed. He told of how these elves could summon great weapons and give these weapons magical abilities. He then told us to close our eyes as he spun the tale of these elves' animal companions. He began to explain how they went about discovering them. As I close my eyes and follow my great uncle's worlds, the images of two birds and hounds came to my mind. I continued to listen to his words as the images fully formed in my mind. The images of the birds finalized into a raven and crow with a word floating about them. The hounds finalized into spiritual wolves also with a word floating above them. The world around me fell away as I study the words above the animals before me. I read the words to myself before uttering them aloud. "Branwyn and Camarada." The birds caw loudly as the wolves howl greatly as I close my eyes.
I open my eyes to see everyone at my party staring at me. I look to my side and see a raven on my right and as I look there is a crow on my left. I can see the tails of the wolves around me but more to my back if the feeling of breath on my neck was any indicator. I look to my parents for what to do but they stand there in shocked silence. My great uncle snaps his fingers and in feel his magic run through the house. I look to see my birds and wolves vanish. I look at my great uncle to see him stare back with an intensity I've never seen before. He turns to my parents and smiles largely at them. "Well, my nephew. You never told me that Riall came into his powers." He said to my parents.
My mom has tears rolling down her face as my father walks towards my great uncle. "Please.  Don't do this?" My father begs him. I am scared because to see my father beg is never an image I thought I would ever see. My great uncle shakes his before speaking. "I am truly sorry but it must be done." My great uncle stands and opens our front door to allow a group of men to rush in and surround me. I hear my mother cry as all of a sudden the world is swallowed by darkness. This was the last day I saw my family which was nine years ago. My name is Mythriall Niall and when I left, I was around 5'2" with bleach blond hair that falls to my ears. I was lithe in build. I was shipped to a school that trains magic users to be lethal weapons.

Little PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora