My dragon

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I have a special dragon

He helps me clean my room, or goes to fetch the post.

He has large blue wings and twisted horns

But he goes unseen by most.

I feed him scrap paper and old books,

He prefers to stay hidden around others,  

He doesn't like all the looks. 

But he's been my friend since I found his egg

I knew mum would not approve of such a pet

But every time I brought it up the little dragon would beg:

''Oh please let me stay!'' he'd desperately cry

''I won't let her see me, I'll behave!'' 

I knew from his eyes I Could Never Say Goodbye

And so I have this dragon, kind and very gentle,

Of course, I tell no-one of him,

They'd think I had gone mental. 

One thing hard to hide, which he does as he pleases,

He fills the room with barrels of smoke

Every time he sneezes. 

But the best thing about having a dragon is when we get to fly, 

High above the houses and trees,

My Special dragon and I. 

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