Dear Bunny

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Dear Bunny,

I can see your ears flopping as you run,
Running through the grasses with leaps of fun.

The grass around us is jewelled with dew,
As we dance through the forest, the day is new.

My heart is pounding from this pure delight,
Watching as you run, your tail flashing white.

Your soft grey fur is blowing in the breeze,
As you and I dart around countless trees.

Dear Bunny,

You seemed to have played this game before,
You're very good at it, let's play some more!

This feeling I'm getting is blissful and pure,
Do you like this game? You seem unsure.

I'm sorry If I'm boring you, I guess it's just greed,
I'll make this more fun for you, I'll pick up my speed!

Dear Bunny,

I can hear the harsh thumping of your feet,
With your eyes glance back at me, looking so sweet.

Your eyes all big and brown, filled with emotion,
This game we are playing is filled with devotion.

Both of us want to win, but there can only be one,
Yet you seem unaware, do you think I'm done?

You seem to forget my strides are longer,
My senses are keener; my body is stronger.

Dear Bunny,

This game is giving me chills!
My first tag rewarded me with beautiful red spills.

You seem just as excited! I can hear your cheer,
I got you once now, the end is near.

I've been playing this game my whole life,
I have more experience, I'm equipped with knives.

My skills are just sharper than yours,
As proof on your fur, those beautiful red sores.

Dear Bunny,

I'm so glad you're as happy as me!
Look! We even blessed some on the bark of this tree.

This beautiful red, just like my own fur,
Though from what you have seen it was all just a blur.

My tail is long and tipped with black,
My paws are larger, forever pressed in this track.

This dance you are performing, so quick and snappy,
But I don't understand why you look so unhappy?

All I know is it's filling me with a strong desire,
I thought you liked playing with me! Your filthy little liar...

Dear Bunny,

In this new morning light, so breath-taking and fresh,
It's almost as sweet as the taste of your flesh.

Your body has given up, it's laying down in the mud,
You dropped from my mouth with a tiny pathetic thud.

What's wrong with you? We were having a great time!
You had to play at some point, it had to be some time!

This red is the most wonderful colour, what could it be?
I tried to show you, yet you refuse to see.

I've picked you up again, your head hanging by a strand.
I guess just like all the others before you,

You will just never understand.

Amy Messingham

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