Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Premonition

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Wanda's POV

Darkness was all around, I could only hear whispers, whispers whispering my name, overlapping each other and coming from all angles. I turn frantically to see if I could see where the voice was coming from, but nothing was happening. But then the voices began to say something other than my name, they were saying beware.

The voices then became one and then when I turned around, there was a man similar to Vision, but instead of a yellow gem in his head, it was red. "Wanda, you need to protect our brother, you are the only with the power to do so." I took a step closer, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Who's your brother?" I ask wanting to know more about who or what I have to protect, and from who.

"The mind stone. You need to protect it with your life, do you hear? If Thanos gets his hands on that stone then the universe is in danger, it already is." Wanda was confused to what was happening, what was even real.

"Who's Thanos and why is the universe be in danger?" Wanda asks getting closer to the man that looked like Vision.

"Because if he gets his hands on all of the stones, Wanda, he can wipe out half of the universe. He already has two of our brothers, he's coming for me next. He has the space stone and the power stone already. I am the reality stone, I can make myself in any form that pleases. And as it seems though you are in love with Vision, I would go with his form, just a minor difference." He then pressed the stone in his head and it glowed red.

"But, what do I have to do with anything?" I asks getting closer and closer to the form of Vision.

"Because you and Thor are the only ones with the power to stop him. You will soon get a visitor by the name of Doctor Stephen Strange, you listen to him and follow him as he bares another stone, the time stone. You would need to assemble a team to take Thanos down, he also has four children, they are all skilled fighters, they won't go down without a fight, Wanda. Please protect our brother, warn him that Thanos is coming, but if push comes to shove, destroy the stone, you have the power." Before I could say anything else, the Vision had disintegrated and went. 

"I will protect him." I said in a whisper as she was alone in the darkness, but it soon became light again.

It was light again and I felt dizzy, my hand in the same position it was before I saw the illusion, then one thing came to to my mind. "Thanos is coming." I then let herself fall to the ground in exhaustion of what had just happened.

I then woke up in a bed, presuming it was in Tony's spare bedroom, I shot up and instantly I felt Vision's hands on my shoulders, calming me.

"It's okay, Wanda. I'm here." I then remember everything that happened, with the other stones and the different warnings.

"Vis, I have to protect you." I say looking up at him but he gave me a confused look, not knowing what I was meaning.

"I can protect myself, Wanda, if anything I need to protect you." I got off the bed infuriated by him, he didn't understand what I was saying.

"No, Vis, you don't understand. There is a man, a very powerful man, coming for that stone in your head, I can't just sit back and let him take it, I can't, I can't lose you too." I say frantically, crying in the process, I can't lose Vision as well as Pietro, my home, my parents. Vision gets off the bed and comes over to me and envelopes me in a hug, my face against his shoulder.

"You won't lose me, Wanda, I promise, I will always be here." He rubbed his hands soothingly up and down my back.

"You still don't understand, the pains you've been feeling, they are from one of the stones' brothers, warning you to run, Vision." Vision pulled away just enough to look down at me and smile, wiping the tears from my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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