Chapter Eleven: The Call

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Two Weeks Later

Vision's POV

I and Wanda were lying on the couch, our bodies entwined with each other, Wanda was lying in the middle of my legs and I had my arms wrapped around her as she read. I was just enjoying the silence, until my work phone went off, I and Wanda didn't bother to have normal high tech phones so that people could know where we were, so we both had flip phones for communicating with work.

I flipped the phone open and spoke. "Hello?" I could then hear a voice I never thought I'd hear for some time.

"Vision? So you're not dead, well that's good to know. How've you been buddy?" I hear him ask, I couldn't reply for I was so shocked that he's found us, we'd been compromised.

"T-Tony." I just about managed to let out and as soon as I did, Wanda shot up and gave me a look of concern, I could see her beginning to panic, I was panicking myself, so I couldn't help her calm down. "What do you want?" I ask kind of harshly, but I couldn't ask it any other way, I was in complete shock.

"Is that a way to treat your creator? I'll be taking you off my off Christmas card list." I heard him say sarcastically, same old Tony. "Look, I need a favour of you. I need you to come back to the compound for about two weeks." He says, I scoff as soon as he says it.

"No way in hell am I coming back, just to be treated like a robot. I'd rather stay where I am, safe." I say and looking back at Wanda, I don't know if Tony knows I'm here with Wanda or not, so I don't want to name drop her into something she doesn't want to be apart of.

"Please Vision, just two weeks of your time and you can get back to whatever it is you and that little witch were doing." Three of those words in that sentence angered me a lot. That little witch.

"Witch? You're the one that branded her as that Tony. She is anything but a witch and I swear, if you come near her or hurt her than I swear to God Tony, I don't know what I'd do." I could hear a nervous laugh on the end of the phone, I think I scared him. I looked over at Wanda who was scared, she's probably thinking that something's going to happen to her, no never. I place a reassuring hand on her knee.

"I'm sorry about that Vision, I am. I just want to let you know, I'm no longer after Wanda. I know you care a lot for her, it's why I want you to come here for two weeks, so I can spend some quality time with you before I would finally say goodbye forever. But you'd technically be a fugitive if the world finds out." I hear Tony say a little lower on that last part.

"But I can't just leave Wanda here, I need her." I say as I look over at her, she curled her legs up to her chin and there were tears glistening in her eyes. I couldn't leave her.

"Then bring her here." He says as if it's the most easiest thing in the world, but it's not, there would be complications, everybody in America would know who she is, she would be found out easy, I couldn't have that.

"You know that's not an option, Tony." I say simply, he knows what I mean. I hear him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Put her on the phone." He says, I was about to argue with him but he beats me to it. "Don't argue with me Vision, put her on the phone." He says once more, a little bit harsher, so I pass the phone to Wanda.

"Tony." She says with much hate in her voice, she really doesn't like him, a lot of people don't. But as more seconds went by, her face softened and her words were more calm, full with 'okays' and 'yeses' and towards the end there was even a little bit of a laugh, she hates him, what could he have possibly said? "Okay then, bye Tony." She says before closing the phone and chucking it back at me. "You're going to visit Tony." She says with such power and command that I was confused to her sudden change in behaviour.

"What has made you change your mind?" I say quizzing her because I don't understand what made her change her mind so much.

"My mind has changed because of something he said, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you go to New York to him. He misses you, Vision." She says as she grabs my hands, she looks happy, but I'm still confused, and not going to lie, a little bit angry.

"I'm not going to go, not after what he did to you. Not after what he made me do to you." I say holding her hands now, she was surprised by my reaction.

"Vision, what he did was in the past, it doesn't matter. What matters is the present, I want you to visit him." Her voice getting stronger with each word and her also getting angrier.

"No. I'm not going and that's it." I let out angrily, I don't want to go and she can't make me. She then removes her hands from mine, I now know that this is going to be an argument, here we go.

The End of Chapter Eleven

I have made fluff chapters, now I'm making more serious moments in Wanda and Vision's time together, I don't know when I'll post the next chapter, could be today, tomorrow, next three weeks from now. Thanks for reading :)

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