Chapter Twenty-Three: The Decisions

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Wanda's POV

Only a few more days in Wakanda and me and Vision have still got a lot of decisions to make. Some that he doesn't even know that I think about, like should we get marrieds before the baby is born, or should we get married after? Where should we have the wedding, in Wakanda? America? The ruins of Sokovia? I don't know these answers and I'm pretty sure Vis has some questions of his own, that I probably won't be able to answer, we just need to write a list of questions down and then answer them one-by-one together. But I just get so distracted.... by him, it's like we're both drawn together, like some cosmic force is pushing us both together.

Speaking of Vis, it's like 10 in the morning and we're both still in bed, I'm looking up at him thinking how could I have gotten this, gotten him, it was like winning the lottery. After a pretty shitty start to life, he's completely changed my life around to something that I enjoy and that I want to wake up in the morning, knowing I'm safe and sound in his arms.

My finger is trailing up and down his bare chest, wondering how to approach the conversation of making decisions, because we both know that I'm not good at making decisions, I always choose wrong. I've got a feeling that when I will decide things with him, it will be better than when I do it alone.

"What are you thinking about?" Vis asks breaking the silence that I kind of wanting to keep for a bit longer, but I had to respond, not ignoring him.

"Just thinking about decisions and how we should begin to make them soon." I say curling up into his side and wrap my arm that was trailing his body around his chest. 

"What kind of decisions?" He asks thinking that I mean something very serious, but I was just on about decisions in general.

"About the wedding, about the baby about us." I say shuffling up a bit higher so I was face-to-face with him looking at him in his bright blue eyes.

"That are legitimate decisions we need to make. We should make a list of questions and then we should answer them one-by-one." He says thinking about it and I giggle a little bit and kiss his jaw and then cuddle back up to him.

"What was that for?" He asks with a happy tone in his voice.

"Because I thought the exact same as you, maybe we really are mentally linked." This time it was his time to chuckle, I'll never get use to it, it will always give me goosebumps.

"We're more than mentally linked, we're physically linked too." He says in a low gruff voice that sent shivers down my body.

"What do you mean physically linked?" I ask with a smile playing on my lips knowing exactly what he meant. He grabbed my hips and manoeuvred me so that I was straddling him, the move sort of took me by surprise so I couldn't do anything but laugh for moment. Both of his hands went up to my hair and placed it behind my ears looking at me with a loving look that made my laughing stop.

"You know you are well and truly beautiful Wanda Maximoff." He says as he held my face within his hands, I held one of his hands with my own.

"And you are well and truly perfect. From top to bottom." I say smirking and leaning down to kiss him and he kisses me back twice as passionately. But I pull away just like he did the other day on my birthday in the morning and I smiled at him brightly. "I'm gonna go shower." I say before crawling off of his body and hearing him whine. It was a new sound that I'd heard from him I think he knew this. As soon as I got to the door of the bathroom, I stopped and look back at him, he was practically sulking. "Are you going to join me or not?" His face lit up like a Christmas tree and I don't think I'd ever seen him move so quickly.

After we showered together I was making us both a coffee and some pancakes, today was another lazy day, so I wore underwear and a dressing gown over the top, Vis just wore his pyjama bottoms like always. Vis came up behind me and put his arms around my belly and placed his head on my shoulder. "Something smells good." He says as he nuzzled into my neck and placed light kisses on my neck.

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