Chapter Eight: The Jobs

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2 Months Later

Wanda's POV

Vision and I have decided its best if we go out and get jobs, so people don't think it's suspicious that we've got a lot of money and no job. I had not idea what I was going to do, I've never had a job before, only Avenging, and I managed to screw that up.

Vision said he would look for something in computing, he was pretty good with them, then again he was technically made with a super computer. Me?I didn't have the foggiest, I was on my own on this one, I'd applied to many jobs that day, but they all said they weren't looking for anyone.
After the last place I applied, I just went home, upset because nobody wanted, I was use to this feeling. When I did get home, Vision was already there reading a book on the sofa, I shut the door behind me and walk over to him. I lightly kiss the top of his head and he turns his head to face me and I give him a kiss on his lips.

"How did job hunting go?" I ask him as I make my way around the sofa and then sit next to him and put my feet up next to me and turn the TV on. "I actually got a job, as a computer technician." I looked at him and smiled brightly at him and he was really happy about his new job, I could see it.

"Oh my god, that's so good, I'm so happy for you." I say as I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly, he hugs me back. I could hear him chuckle in excitedly, just hearing him being happy, made me happy. He pulled away from the hug and out a strand of hair behind my ear and looked at me.

"How did it go for you?" He asks softly, I then thought that if he got a job that it would be less pressure on me to have one, so I thought positively for once.

"Nobody was hiring. But it's all good because I'm going to try again tomorrow and the day after and the day after." I said smiling as I then saw Vision smiling at me and he placed a hand on the side of my face, he was truly happy.

"I am so happy that you can see a positive side to this." He says, I put my face further into his hand, loving the feeling of his hand touching my face, I put my hand on top of his hand.

"I only am because of you, you make me positive and happy. I have something to be positive about, you." I say as then kiss him again, this time more passionately, I love this feeling, I love being with him, I love him.

1 Week Later

I still haven't found a job, so before I went home this time, I went to the local shop where Jeanie worked, my Sokovian friend. I bought some spiced rum and coke, it was my favourite alcoholic beverage. Once I got to the check out, Jeanie looked at me funny, like she knew something was wrong.

"Hei, Wanda, ești bine? Arăți puțin jalnic." This would translate to 'Hey, Wanda, are you okay? You look a bit glum.' I felt a bit glum, alcohol helps the glumness that I am currently feeling.

"Da, sunt bine, tocmai nu mi se pare că găsesc un loc de muncă." This would translate to 'Yeah I'm fine, I just can't seem to find a job.' Jeanie's face then lit up.

"În nici un caz, magazinul caută pe cineva care să o angajeze și mă simt ca și cum ai fi perfect pentru slujbă, ești interesat?" What she said made me smile and then I needed alcohol for a completely different reason, what she said translated into 'No way, the store is looking for someone to hire and I feel like you would be perfect for the job, are you interested?'

"Bineînțeles că sunt interesat! Când încep?" My excitement made my voice go higher pitched that usual, 'Of course I'm interested! When do I start?'

"Ei bine, vă voi învăța câteva lucruri despre cilindri și puteți începe cât mai curând săptămâna viitoare." I was so happy with what she said, I was in pure disbelief that I had actually found a job. 'Well, I'll teach you a few things about the tills and you can start as early as next week.'

I then went home to Vision and tell him the good news, when I got in, he was in his usual spot on the sofa and threw my bag down and jumped over the back of the sofa and jumped next to him.

"I've finally got a job at the local shop down the road." I say smiling brightly and then Vision smiles also, I was genuinely happy for me, I was just happy that I'd finally got a job. We'd probably see less of each other, but isn't time away so you don't get annoyed with each other? This was one of the happiest days of my life, I have a job, I have a stable relationship and I'm making friends outside of the Avengers.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses and brought them into the living room and then went to get the spiced rum and coke. I poured the coke into the glass and then I poured the rum in afterwards, they were whiskey glasses with rum in. Rebel. I gave one of the glasses to Vision, who was being awfully quiet, he would normally say a fact about rum or coke or even the glasses for that matter but he was quiet.

"Are you okay, Vision?" I ask and he looks down at his glass, something was definitely going on with him, but what? I put my glass back on the table and then I grab the glass off him and I put on the table next to mine. I place my hands on the side of his face, looking worried at him. "Vis, what is wrong?" I ask and he grabs my hands and puts them in his lap whilst still holding them.

"I fear I am changing. As in becoming human, the more I act human, the more this gem or stone whatever you want to call it, the more it gets dimmer. What if I die?" He asks with what I assume are tears forming in his eyes.

"Vision, you won't. I won't let it." I say as I put my hand on top of it and feel the energy that is inside of it, I concentrate on that energy, but then it feels like something fuses and sends a shockwave throughout the room. It sends me flying back and I hit my head on the wall, I get dazed and everything is blurred for a moment, but then I come into focus. Vision was next to me trying to help me up, but I was still too dazed to know what was going on. Once I was pretty much back to normal, I had a massive pain at the back of my head. "What the hell was that?" I ask as I sit back down on the sofa and hold a hand to my head.

"I have no idea, but Wanda, you are not to do that again." He says as he goes into the kitchen, does he seriously think I would do that again? That bloody kills. Vision comes back into the room with an ice pack and I place it on my head, the cold made me wince. "Are you okay, Wanda?" He asks, with concern in his voice and in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, at least the glasses didn't break." I say and I pick mine up, now is a good time to drink. "Don't worry Vis, I'm not going to do that again." I say jokingly, I hear Vis chuckle a little, at least I can still make him smile, would be becoming human kill him? Well whatever is in that stone is very powerful and definitely not human.

The End of Chapter Eight

In a few chapters time, there will be a bit of action, I promise you. Please review/comment and give feedback to let me know how I could improve this. Also, leave comments of what you think is going to happen in Infinity War, I love to hear new theories. Until next time.

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