Chapter Twelve: The Argument

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Vision's POV

Things were now a bit tense, Wanda's face was going red with anger. "Why won't you go?" She basically screams at me, I think she's forgetting all the horrible stuff Tony did to her, to her family.

"I've told you why Wanda, because of what he did to you, you may have forgiven him over a no longer than five minute phone call with him over ten years of hurting he has left you. Your parents Wanda, isolation in the compound." I say trying to even with her but I then realise that I hit a nerve mentioning her parents, I then realised that I had crossed a line. I instantly regretted mentioning them, but she needed to remember what she had lost, what he made to do such an act. I saw her jaw tense up and tears form in her eyes.

"My parents have nothing to do with this, Vision. Why would you even bring them up? Why are you being so defensive?" She says with the tears finally falling down her face and her voice as quiet as anything.

"I'm sorry, Wanda, but I needed you to remind you what kind of person Stark is." I say about wipe the tears from her face but she smacks my hand away, I then had a new feeling, hurt. I could cry then and there, Wanda didn't want me touch her.

"Don't." She says glares at me and gulp. "Also, you're the one who isolated me in that compound, you could've said to Stark 'no', but you did it anyway. You also made me feel alone, feel like I was going to hurt people." She says as more tears fall down her face, I then realise that I was harsh towards her, but I did try to tell her that I saw her differently from how other people saw her.

"Wanda, I am sorry for that, I always will be, but if we're bringing up things we've done, you sent me down into the ground if you remember." I say and that strikes more anger into Wanda. I think I'm being what people would call 'petty'.

"Well if you would remember why, it's because you wouldn't let me leave! You say it like I had a choice, you were hurting Clint, I couldn't let you do that Vision." She says as she gets up and begins to walk away but I grab her wrist and stand up next to her, she yanks her hand away and glares at me once again. "I said don't, Vision." She says as she walks away to the bedroom and slams it shut. How did one harmless phone call end to this? What did I do? I face palm myself and sit down for a few minutes until I decide I need to fix this, I go over our room and before I knock on the door, I hear Wanda sobbing. I place my hand on the door knob and hear her scream from inside "go away!". I back away from the door and I get my coat and go to the draws in the kitchen, pick out my passport and walk out of the apartment, closing the front door as quietly as I could.

I just walk down the road and clear my head first, before I do anything rash. I sit on a bench after 2 hours of walking, I don't know where I am, I just walked around for a long time and thought about everything that had just happened and where I went wrong, there were so many points. I pull out my phone from my pocket and flip it open.

"Stark, I've decided I'm going to go to you, I'm getting on the next flight on there." I say and I hang up on him instantly, not hearing a response, I sit for a few more minutes before I let out a few tears. I'm never going to forget the way she looked at me, the way she spoke to me, the way she moved her hand away from mine. I never wanted any of this, I just wanted her, I made a mistake, I should have just agreed in the first place and non of this would have happened. I finally wiped away the stray tears that ran down my face and I stood up and walked to the airport, after asking many people for directions, for I did not know where I was and my phone had ran out of battery.

Wanda's POV

I could hear his hand on the door knob, I did not want to see him, not yet. "Go away!" I screamed at him, I've never screamed at him before. I don't know what he could be feeling, this is the first time he's ever been in the situation before. I hear him shuffling around outside and him walking into the kitchen and the draws being open and closed. I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, when he was only thinking of me when he told Tony no.

After about half an hour of sitting around in my room, moping, I decided it was time to get up and try and apologise to Vision. When I left my room, I could only hear silence, where was he?

"Vision?" I ask loudly, I walk around the empty apartment, it really is bare when he isn't here. I then realise that his coat is missing, I then go to the draw in the kitchen to see what he was looking for. I was surprised to see that he had got his passport. Was he leaving me? Oh God, what had I done? "No, no, no, no. Vision?" I shout again. "Vision, tell me you're still here?" I shout again, this time with sobs engulfing me, I fall against the wall and slide down it. I then sob as loud as I could, no one could hear me. I let streams of my red energy out of me, not powerful, just red magic everywhere, my emotions. I try to calm myself so my magic doesn't get too powerful so that it could break things. I then realise that I couldn't control it, because I couldn't control my emotions. I look down at my hands, to see what kind of monster I am, when I see my engagement ring that was my mum's, that Vision finally found again. What did I do?

I realised that sitting down and moping wasn't going to solve anything. How was I going to find him? I try reaching out to him with my mind, but I have no clue where he is, I then pray that he could hear me, that I'm sorry, that I should never have said what I said, I should never have treated him the way I had. There's only one place I could think of where he was going, Tony.

The End of Chapter Twelve

Well two updates in one day, happy days. I know that the things Tony did to Wanda are a very controversial thing with Marvel fans, Wanda fans are supporting that Tony made those bombs so it's his fault and then there are the people that are like but people stole those bombs for their own purposes. I just sort of wanted to cover it a little here, but who knows what Tony said to Wanda on that phone in this fic? I don't even know myself, I'm sort of making this up as I go along, as you can most probably tell.

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