Chapter 3

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Hiccup POV

We spent the morning telling our life story, from the red death to the countless other dragons we had defeated or trained over the years. We talked about the edge and the berserkers and the wingmaidens. We talked about Astrid being blind and our relationship as well as telling funny stories about the twins, and embarrassing moments Snotlout had.
The gang had come to join us as well as we remembered the fun we had had at the Edge. We were just recounting how we defeated Johann and Krogen, when Gobber came in to remind us about the assembly that was occurring in less than an hour.
"Uhh, Val and Hiccup I would advise you to have some sort of plan of what you are saying," Gobber advised us.
"Also Hiccup I'd like for you to mention the statue of Stoick as well as talk to Berk about being their Chief," I nodded.
An hour later Mum, Astrid, Gobber and I were at the great hall as the people of Berk flowed through the doors, egar to hear from their new chief.
"Hey, you got this," Astrid whispered in my ear, before I stepped up in front of Berk.
I took a deep breath and the crowd was silent as I felt the responsibility launched on me.
"Berk, I stand before you no longer as the guy who befriended a dragon, but as your Chief. Now I have to admit, while my father was preparing me to be a good chief, This role has come rather suddenly, so I ask that you bare with me as I get the hang of this leading-a-village thing." I saw looks of pity from the people of Berk as I said this, "While we are on the topic of my father, Gobber here has organised for a statue in my Dad's honour." I said, as the great hall erupted into cheers, a smile spread across my face as I saw people cheering in his honour.
"Now, some of you may have noticed a new/old face around here, depending on your age, but yesterday, among all the chaos, I did find my mother, who has been missing for 20 years, but she joins us today!" I announce as I let my mother step forward and cheers fill the great hall.

Valka POV

I stepped out the front and gazed out at Berk, there were many faces I recognised, but the expressions varied a fair bit. While some seamed excited at my return, I saw some who appeared to be glaring at me, no doubt because I abandoned my husband and son.
"Umm.. so here I am... uh..." I started, before gaining some more confidence. "When cloudjumper here took me away from here, he didn't kill me. Instead he took me to another place, where I started a dragon sanctuary.." I continued to explain where I had been and what I had done, and why I hadn't come back.
I finished and left the stage, unsure what the people of Berk thought of me now.
"Valka Haddock?" A voice behind me asked, I turned, there an old friend, Clare Hofferson.
"You two know each other?" Astrid asked coming up next to Clare as I realised the resemblance.
"Oh of course! Astrid's your daughter! I can't believe I missed that!" I exclaimed, putting it together, "Yes, I remember now, Astrid Hofferson, you and Hiccup played when you were infants!" I explained.
Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other and laughed. "Really? Because she ignored me for fifteen years after that!" Hiccup complained, I remembered Hiccup explaining how he was ignored by the others.
We all chatted and laughed for the next hour, recalling tales from long ago, embarrassing baby stories for Hiccup and Astrid, and I felt myself settle right back into the position I was in all those years ago.

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