House Mates: Ten

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Okay, so this story of Reese and Xavier was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I hope it lives up to whatever expectations you might have. it is... :)

Enjoy :)



     We sat around the kitchen island. Reese had his head in his hands, cheeks flaming. Xavier looked at his boyfriend with a tenderness I’d yet to see from him. Putting his hand on Reese’s shoulder, he looked at me, mischief in his eyes. My curiosity was through the roof, I couldn’t figure out why the actor was blushing.

     “It was freshman year, the end of it. Well, I was having issues with staying out of trouble, even though I had joined Ryan’s dojo under Master Simon at this point. Well about January, I had finally pushed my Assistant Principal to the point that he knew ordinary punishment wouldn’t change my ways. Well, as you know, there was that huge production freshman year with complex sets and all that. He assigned me to help the Theater Techs. They were just starting to build the sets.”

     Xavier bent down and kissed the top of Reese’s head, smiling fondly at the memories.

     Suddenly Reese’s voice joined in on the narration, “This was going to be my first major production like this. So of course, I wanted to help out too. I wanted to be familiar with the set while it was being built. I was to play a major role, not the lead or anything but I was going to be in just about every scene. It felt necessary to me. And I had fun. At least until I met Xavier.” Reese looked at Xavier, a small smile playing about his lips, though his cheeks remained pink.

     “When I first saw Reese, let’s just say my libido when through the roof and I didn’t necessarily act as gentlemanly as I should have. I didn’t even know if Reese was homosexual or not.”

     Laughing, I could almost imagine Xavier’s predicament. Looking from Xavier to Reese, I had to admit, they made a cute couple. I grinned at Ryan who gave a small smile and shook his head, “There’s more.”

     Ryan leaned over and began rubbing my shoulders, making me relax against him. Reese continued, his voice slightly muffled since his head rested on his forearms, “I was still struggling with coming out of the closet. A few select people knew, but at the time, I just wanted to make it through freshman year with no mishaps. Well, this particular day, I had already heard a few of the theater techs half complain, half compliment someone name Xavier Macintosh. I had yet to meet this person people were waiting to spice up their days. From what I heard, I figured he was half gentleman, half a rebel child. The man I met that day was neither. It was like meeting a Neanderthal.”

     I caught Xavier’s lascivious grin, “I was working on a walled set. I went around back to help whoever was behind the wall because it sounded like he was struggling with something. I saw Reese standing there, a hammer in his fist trying to stretch up to hammer a nail in. Before I could think of what I was doing, I walked up behind him-”

     “-Xavier leaned down and growled in my ear, ‘Only a fool, no matter how hot, would try reaching that without a ladder.’ Let just say I froze and chills raced down my spine. I had a gut feeling before I turned around it was this Xavier Macintosh everyone seemed to like. So I turned around.”

     At this, Xavier clamped a hand over his shoulder, “After that first look, I remember backing him into a wall, the very one we were trying to stabilize. I leaned down in his ear and said, ‘I don’t care what you think but I have to kiss you’.”

The Misadventures As House Mates [boyxboy]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant