House Mates: Seven

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Sorry it took so long to upload, between person fiascos and school related shizz, I haven't been able to commune with my Muse on things. But hey she's back for now, so that means chapter 7!

AND BY THE WAY: HOLY SHIZZ NIT!!! over 3,000 reads and I'm not even through the first 10 chapters of the book. I'm speechless you guys, I really am! Thank you thank you!

I'm introducing four new characters, so enjoy the ride! Love me hate me, but you know you want to date them :P.

Joshua Torres: the ladies man (Robbie Amell) ---------------------->



Josh was the first to appear in the archway, laughing about something. Nyall and Knox followed after, Knox shoving Nyall’s shoulder playfully. Ash followed last, his usually stoic face creased in what might be considered a small smile. Whatever was said it must have been pretty funny. Each man was over six feet and solidly built but that’s where the most of the similarities ended.

Josh was of Hispanic descent and standing at 6’ 2” with short, spikey black hair and a smile that has charmed the panties off of more than one woman. He was quite the presence. Nyall was shorter, standing at 6’ 1” with a much more laid back personality and an eyebrow piercing. Knox was 6’ 4” and built like a Mack truck. As far as I knew, he had four tattoos: two on his forearms and two that were hidden by clothing. He was the most sarcastic out of the lot and I prayed that he’d find the one girl that would smooth him out. Life hadn’t been that good to him. The quietest out of the lot, Ash was the one to look out for. The tallest, standing at 6’ 6” with ash blonde hair he was known for among our group, he was one that most people felt uncomfortable around. He didn’t speak much, but when he did, you listened and you listened well.

A glance toward Sagan showed me that he was eyeing the four young men with curiosity, wheels turning in his head as he began picking a part their interactions with each other.

Something he was frighteningly good at.

Josh was the first to notice Sagan. He stopped, shock freezing him for mere seconds before his eyes darted around the kitchen, finally landing on me. The other guys noticed Sagan too, their laughter dying away as they each noticed him standing on the other end of the kitchen. The silence that followed was deafening as each man tried piecing together why Sagan was now in my kitchen.

They all knew about my attraction to him and how, as Xavier put it, I’d been “chasing my own tail” over him. However I had yet to tell them about my dad’s recent engagement…and the fact we were now a couple.

“Did you bang him?” Knox finally broke the silence, his dark eyes sizing Sagan up. That broke whatever spell the group had been under. Josh and Nyall laughed while Ash continued to stare at Sagan intently, not joining in on the laughter now bouncing around the kitchen.

Anger turned Sagan’s cheeks pink as he snapped, “About as often as you keep your mouth shut.”

“Been known to keep my mouth shut a time or two, so I’ll take that as a yes,” Knox looked in my direction, approval lighting his eyes. Knox had given me hell about liking a guy he considered too naive for me. Then he'd seen Sagan shut me down time and again, no fear in his forest green eyes.

Nyall went around the boys and stuck out his hand to Sagan, “Since no else seems to want to make the introductions, I’m Nyall Frederickson.” Brown hair hung in his eyes dark brown eyes and he gave an easy smile. Sagan reached out without hesitation, clasping his hand in a firm shake. The dam seemed to break as all the guys moved forward to introduce themselves.

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