Happier Moments

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Happier Moments

Qualified! A very loud voice echoed on the walls of "Dream Mansion", a big palace, and an accommodation far much for the need of three peoples residing there. Ancestors do not make this palace but the only person "Asad Raza" made it by working night and day. Now, he is a successful businessman with a whole empire under it. It is well known that "Behind every successful Man there is a Women" and here that women was "Sarah" who not only supported him in fulfilling his dreams but also sacrificed her very small small dreams from her very first day of marriage to achieve this. So, named her house "Dream Mansion". The screaming voice was not only of one person. It was a collective voice of three; my mom, my Dad and mine. Myself, Imama Raza qualified in IIT JEE exam and it was not only my dream comes true but it was also the result of my parent's exam, their upbringings, their labour and every thing they did for me. So, they were also excited about my result. I was not only qualified in JEE but also secured a rank in Top 100. My Mom, who was not only my Mom, my teacher, my best friend, my everything kissed my forehead and hugged me and I felt that she had taken my all pains under her arms. Dad also came to hug me along with her and that was the moment that I always want to capture for my whole life but I couldn't. Mom told that today she will give me a treat and we will go on a whole day outing by shopping in various malls and by taking our lunch and dinner in restaurants or else wherever I want to go.

I did many shopping for my new college which was not here in Patna and was in a new state. My Mom and Dad selected IIT Delhi for my B.Tech but I don't want to go there leaving them alone. There was also IIT Patna in which I can take admission but they told that according to my rank IITDelhi was best for me. I couldn't break their dream of sending me to IIT Delhi that they were seeing from the day when I had told them I want to become an engineer and not a doctor.

It was the first time; I was going to live alone for four year far away from my home sweet home and from my caring and loving parents. I got admission in IIT Delhi and I had chosen Civil Engineering as my branch because I was interested in sketching and designing besides any other branch that has only theoretical things in them. After my admission, Dad and Mom decided to revive my childhood memories by taking me to famous historical sites of Delhi. I had visited those sites when I was in class seventh and we enjoyed whole India tour of one month. I had only glimpses of some of states in my mind and that was also from the photo albums that I used to see in my leisure. Dad hadn't much time to spend with me because of his important meetings so he told to visit all the famous sites in two days. We visited Jama Masjid, Humayun Tomb, Red Fort, India Gate, Jantar Mantar and many more places along with the road side stalls of Chandni Chawk. We enjoyed very much in these two days but at that time I didn't know that it was the last moment that I had spent with my family.

They were leaving for Indira Gandhi International airport for their return journey and in that small single bed hostel room; I felt that I am losing my most precious thing from my life. I hugged them and tears rolled down from eyes that didn't fell down and absorbed in their clothes. Tears came in their eyes too with a mixed feeling of both happiness and sadness.

In the small hostel room, where there was only loneliness except at that time when seniors enter in my room to take intro from me as I was fresher and a source of enjoyement for them.At that time,I decided to make my diary as my best friend. Earlier my mother was my best friend with whom I share my day-to-day happenings. My Dad also loves me so much but he couldn't get sufficient time for myself. Hostel life was totally different from that life which I spent earlier. Within one month I realized that life is totally different for alone people. I always thank The Almighty that I am not alone and I have caring and loving parents in my life. Life without love is nothing. After three to four month, I adjusted in this loneliness with my only diary with which I share all my very small events. I was so shy so I can't make friends in my batch and those who were named as friend were only till that time when they need me and I need them. Frankly speaking, I don't find any one to make them as my friend. I only want to concentrate on my studies and I was happy that I have to spend only four year with this loneliness. But does it really happen what any one plan?

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