Chapter Eleven

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*cнapтer eleven*

My schedule was gone. My schedule wasn't there. Where could it have gone? It couldn't have just slipped away from under my mattress; that's impossible. But then suddenly, everything clicked. The piece of paper in the door, the door still being locked, the mysterious behavior Harry has been having lately. It was Harry. He probably called for me and noticed there wasn't an answer, and when he tried to come in my room the door was locked, making him unable to. Harry snuck into my room, went through my stuff to try to find anything that was suspicious, found my schedule and took it, and then re-locked my bedroom door before closing it so it wouldn't hold so much suspicion. But then something really struck me. The errands. First when he went out a few days ago, he went out for some 'errands', and when I asked what they were he wouldn't tell me. Then, hours later my landlord was found dead. And now, he went for some more 'errands' and suddenly the store caught on fire. At the exact same time he had some 'errands' to do. It all leads up to me, too. It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, my landlord would probably still be alive, and Ansel would have still been head assistant manager. But that only means one thing; Harry set the fire. Oh my God, Harry set the fire! He found out about me working there, and he decided to destroy it, but not only for me, but for everybody! 

Just then, another thing clicked. Harry was hiding something from me, obviously. He wouldn't let me in his room, and then the mysterious room that was camouflaged, all the way down to the ringing in Harry's room. My phone went missing, it was Harry's fault. Harry took it. That was the ringing in his bedroom. He was destroying everything of mine. I wouldn't be surprised if he had cameras in the house spying on me for God's sake! Then a thought flew into my brain, what was his secret recipe? All I knew was that I needed to get out of there, and fast! Just as I was about to go out the bedroom door, I heard another door open downstairs before closing shut.

"Ivery, I'm home," Harry said from downstairs. Just then I panicked. I sped across the room to the window before quickly yet carefully stepping out, pulling back down the window, and going down the tree. I just needed to get away. Something obviously wasn't quite right with Harry. I ran down the driveway as fast as I could, wishing it was shorter and feeling longer than usual. I slowed down when I reached the end of it. I began to walk to where Ansel usually goes when he took me to and from work.

 I was hoping Ansel would be driving around here, but that didn't happen. Let's be realistic, now. 


When I returned back, I found Harry in the kitchen washing dishes. 

"Oh, nice to see you Ivery," he said , "where'd you run off to?"

"The store I was going to apply at got burned down, Harry."

I tried to play with Harry, see if I could actually get it out of him. But he actually seemed shocked, and not at all how I was expecting him to be like. "Wow, I wonder who would do such a thing," he said turning around and starting to wash the dishes. 

"Yeah, it is a terrible thing to do," I said trying to make him feel guilty; anything. But he kept washing them damn dishes like everything was perfectly fine. He was even more sick than I thought he was.

"It indeed is, Ivery. But you know, there are a lot of sick-minded people who need help out there in the world," Harry said. 

"Like you," I mumbled under my breath. Harry's movements ceased, muscles tense as he turned around looking at me with his brows raised. 


"I said I know," I muttered nervously. He turned back around at that.

"That's why you're lucky to have me to protect you, Ivery," he chuckled. I felt like taking the pan out of his hands and whacking him in the head, but of course I didn't because then I would be the crazy one. I suddenly couldn't hold it in any longer as before I knew it, I was allowing words out of my mouth.

"Cut the shit, Harry," I blurted out. I quickly covered my mouth when he turned around completely, leaning up against the counter with a shy smile. 

"What shit, Iv?" he asked me. I took my hand away at the sound of the nickname causing me to frown.

"Oh you know, Haz," I mocked.

"No," he laughed shaking his head, "I honestly don't."

"You started that damn fire, because you found out I worked there!" I yelled, "which is none of your concern anyhow!"

"So you did start working there, yeah? I thought so," he said looking around. "But I didn't start th-" I ignored him. 

"And that's not all I know," I said glaring at him. "I know everything." 

He blinked his eyes rapidly. >>>>>>>>

"Wha-what are you going on about, Ivery?" he stuttered.

"You're a sick fuck!" I screamed. He frowned at this, standing up straight and pointing a finger at me. 

"Now now now, don't use that type of language to or around me, Miss Taylor," Harry smirked. I clenched my fists, stepping closer to him. 

"Only Ansel can call me that!" I snapped. He stepped closer to me. 

"I can call you whatever I want, as long as you're under my roof. Whatever I say goes," he informed me grinning evilly. I smirked back.

"Well I won't be here for long," and with that, I turned and walked away.  I could literally hear Harry frown as his presence was coming closer and closer behind me.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked me. I ignored him as I made my way up the stairs. "I see, you just need to sleep. You're obviously tired, as always. No surprise there," he said before I slammed my door shut, locking it before heading out the window and down the tree, making my way to the store.


When I got there, it was a wreck. It was secluded besides one vehicle that was recognizable. I walked up to it to see Ansel in the front, eyes shut. As soon as I knocked on the window, his eyes snapped open. I laughed as he looked frightened. 

"Miss Taylor," he smirked as he rolled down his window. 

"Hey," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Just for closure," he said looking behind me at the debris.  I nodded. 

"I am so sorry," I said.

"It wasn't your fault," he said and I looked down, "was it?" he asked before laughing. "I'm just messing with you. Although, we did find out who really started the fire. It was in fact arson."

"I did, too," I said.

"Really?" he asked and I nodded. "Can you believe she did that?"  I snapped my head up to look at him. 


"Yeah," he said and frowned. "Didn't you know?" he asked me. I quickly shook my head as I tried to think of who did it if it wasn't Harry. 

"It was a girl?" I asked. Ansel nodded. "Who burned down the store?!" 


this video is completely irrelevant to this chapter and what's going on in the story as of right now but whO FUCKING CARES, HE'S A HOTTIE :) >>>>>>

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