Chapter Five

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*cнapтer ғιve*

Only about ten minutes passed by when Harry came in the room I was currently in, and then left again. Just the thought of the many places Harry could have gone wandered around in my mind. What was he doing? Why was he hiding things from me? I started to grow paranoid of the variety of different possibilities of what could of, or will go down with where he went, and with me here. But it'll never happen, I thought. But I couldn't help but not ignore the feeling that that might be incorrect. I decided that I couldn't fake sleeping forever, although it's only been ten minutes, and yet there was no possible way I could actually sleep now knowing Harry was back I just didn't feel right. He seemed off. I just couldn't exactly put my finger on it.

The door was opened rather harshly as Harry stormed in. As soon as he saw my figure sitting up, his eyes widened in both surprise and fear. 

"Oh, you're up?" he asked as more of a question. I nodded, unable to speak for some reason. "I just, I was just checking on you." Only ten minutes have passed and he's checking on me? What is he, my babysitter? 

"It's alright, thanks for being concerned about me," I spoke truthfully, yet half of me was a little weirded out. 

"Of course. Anything to make you feel safe and at home," he spoke. A small grin settled itself upon Harry's face as he leaned up against the door frame. I stood up from the bed, inching my way toward where he stood. His eyes traveled with my every move, making me feel a tad bit uncomfortable. He seemed to notice my discomfort. Maybe an expression on my face proved the fact to him, or maybe it was just that obvious as for he moved out of the way as he cleared his throat. "What were you planning on doing today?" he asked me as he allowed me to pass by him and out of the room.

"Not sure," I spoke truthfully. 

"Well maybe-" he stopped momentarily as I turned around to notice him whispering something to himself with his eyes wide.

"What?" I asked out of curiosity.

"N-nothing," he stuttered. I frowned my eyebrows before turning around.

"So you're all done with those errands?" I asked him to ease the tension.

"Yes," he said slowly. His voice cracked as he finished his sentence, "why?"

"Just making sure," I said as I went down the stairs.  I could hear him coming down behind me as I took the last step down until my feet hit the floor. I began to look around for my phone. Harry seemed to notice my confusion as for that's exactly what he said.

"You look confused, are you alright?" he asked. Although it didn't sound like it was out of concern in a way that he wanted to help. It sounded panicked. 

"Yeah, I am alright. I am just looking for my phone," I said and looked at him. He visibly gulped before rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Oh. Are you sure you brought it here?" he asked avoiding eye contact.

"Pretty positive," I said eyeing my surroundings. Once in a while I would look at Harry. But I'd quickly look away as he was already staring at me. "You haven't happened to see it, have you?"

"N-no. Nope," he said fast. "Not at all."

"Okay," I stretched out. "I guess I'll just have to figure it out later," I said softly, more to myself. There was a silence, something that seemed to be a regular thing between me and Harry before I sighed. "I need to go and get myself out of these clothes," I stated looking down at my uniform that sill was the only clothes I've worn for almost two days now. I felt disgusting, and the realization once again hit me once I looked down at the reminder of everything that has occurred. 

Immure (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن