a friend named W- part 1

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??? POV

"Get out"

"Make me"


His feet moved so swiftly, as if never touching the ground. His hands following his feet, moving so quickly that she didnt get to catch up.

"Say that again bitch" a clenched hand against her throat, her nails trying to claw out of his grasp.

"You worthless piece of shit. I gave up everything to get this damn house.
I shouldn't have left my karen. At least she followed my directions!!" And with that, he flung the fragile women's body across the already broken down room. He made it look so easy.
Her body slammed against the wall causing a single picture frame to slant. But she didnt scream, or cry, or even beg. She let herself be flung across the room like an old shirt being thrown to the trash.
The old man walked towards her and stood over her collapsed body.

"Get your ass up, the kids going to be late for school, worthless piece of crap will probably drop out by middle school with a mother like you-"

My mother

~time skip, 10 minutes later ~
???? POV

I walked to school today, since my mother and 'father' had another argument. They think I'm not awake to hear them, or even see what's going on behind my door. He caught me once. Or twice I think. The first time he was holding a fist at mommy, when I left my room because I forgot my teddy bear in the couch. He grabbed it and gave it to mommy before whispering something her ear. She didnt tell me what he told her she looked scared. The second time he opened my door at 2 a.m and woke me up. His face got close to mine with a beer in his hand. I knew he was drunk. His breath said it all. My mom ran towards him but he threw the bottle at her and she fell.
"Dont fuck around with a drunk man boy" is all he said before pushing my head into the pillow for what seemed like 20 seconds.
My bed wasnt even a bed, it's really just a mattress stuffed with styrofoam and covered with and old blanket the old man found off the street and gave it to me for christmas.

God it's cold outside

I dont live to far from the school. Only a few blocks away. But even so... I can hear them arguing.
While we're here I should mention , I'm 5. I live in a small apartment building on Buck street Ave. My mothers name is mom, well that's what she tells me. Shes a slender women with pale white skin, and small gentle hands that feel like marshmallows on Rose's. With that said,  the old man in our house is my 'father'. But I dont call him that.  Hes tall, drunk and basically a pig.
Hes loud too, he yells alot at my mom but she yells back. Why is she still with him? Dont know,  hes a jerk

I let my feet step on the concrete blacktop leading to the playground and took a glance at all the other kids. Some playing tag, some playing house. My legs began walking towards my corner, near the gate of the school. I go here because no kid would dare  to even look at the dark , bug infested corner. That's why I like it. It does get lonely sometimes I'll admit, but I ignore the feeling,I know that no one will fix it , or take it away.

There was a rat and cockroach fight once. The cockroach won.

You cant blame me for being how I am truly. I may be 5, but I'm not stupid. Although half of the kids at my school are, especially Stephanie May Lockner.  Shes a beach, or that's what I hear some people call her. She wears short pink glitter skirts, with a navy blue tank top and a jacket with her name filled in with diamonds. Kids are in love with her , so they dont choose to argue, but I personally think shes a brat. I talked back to her once and she pretended to fall and blame it on me. Another time,  the teacher asked us to draw our dream house. I drew a mansion. With golden gates and a huge sign with my name on it in lights. Stephenie looked at me and said "dont worry wade, you wont be able to afford it anyway. "  I threw 12 crayons at her.

Freaking stephanie

I like to read my comics in the corner. Superheros saving the world and villains coming close to winning. I want to be like them one day.

The bell rang a few minutes later, knocking me out of my thoughts.
I heard we were having a new student today, Tony Stark and Captin America's kid.
I walked into class 2B  and sat in my seat towards the back and waited for the teacher.

"Good morning students, as you know someone new Is going to be joining us, his name is Peter and we will all be welcoming to him"

A small boy with hazelnut hair and red and blue stained hoodie walked in.  He was short, but a cute short, small but a cute small, and his eyes looked as though they were painted two shades of brown. But it suited him.

He smiled.  The teacher then pointed to the empty seat next to me and signaled peter to take it.
His small feet started walking towards me. Smiling and happy, yet nervous.

He put his backpack on the floor, sat down and turned towards me.

I looked up at him and tilted my head. " yes?" I said, confused as to why he wanted to talk to me .  I doubt he wanted to get to know me. I'm not normal. All the kids say I'm a monster sometimes because of the things I say and do. I learned to ignore their looks and words . But he smiled.
At me .

I swear there was more but wattpad deleted all of it *sigh*
Any ways.. I didnt want you guys to wait for me to write all of it again so I decided to write a brief chapter with 2 parts.
I hope you guys enjoyed
I'll update more of course and I LOVE YOU AL
( by the way sorry if there are typos, I tried XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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