birthday cakes / and candle wishes

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Steves pov

" Holy mother of God's what happened here !?"

I woke up to the sound of Thor voice booming from the living room. I sat up and looked over at tony ..... who was sound asleep next to Peter
Jesus christ he looks so adorable when he sleeps.... and I guess tony to...

I'm sorry but I just have too say it ..... STEVES GONE SAVAGE .... I'm sorry again but someone had to say it ...anyway ...LOVE YA GUYS KEEP ON READING AND DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT !♡♡♡$

Anyway.....I pulled myself up and looked at the time, 2:00 pm ... "woah.... we slept for that long ?"
"Yeah you guys were so tired I almost thought you guys were dead.... then again I checked your pulse a couple times" I heard him chuckle a bit before hearing the cries of a baby "well.... somebody's up " I picked up Peter and grabbed his bottle then I heard the sound of a grumpy old man
"And now he's up to " " speak to yourself captin, my backs aching and my shoulder hurts like hell ..."

"Well you did sleep on the floor "
Tony stood up and went to the fridge to grab a beer while I fed Peter and burped him. I walked over to Thor who was sitting on the couch watching tv " uh.... hey Thor .... I was wondering ... tomorrow's Peters 1st birthday and I wanted to check up if you were busy so that you can help with invitations and setting up everything "

" Well, the small earth child is turning a year old, finally he shall learn how to fight in battle!" Thor got up, and walked over towards Peter and said " you shall fight in BA-" I cut him off before he could get any more ideas.

" is he not ready to train ?"
" he's a baby !"
" when I was a small child like him I fought in the womb ! My mother told me that I was ready to burst out like a-"

" alrighty then Thor ... how about we set up for the party we do not need to know. . *cough cough *
* awkward silence *
*steve talks again to break the wave of silence *
"SO! Um... I made a list for everyone so that we could all help out for Peters party, Thor you will be in charge of setting up, Bruce you'll make decorations, Clint and Nat you guys will be in charge of gift shopping."

Bruce -"All righty then cap let's get going guys"

I watched as everyone took their lists and walked out of the tower to their cars. Tony came up behind me and put one hand on my shoulder, I felt myself blush a bit.

" Did you forget someone " he said with his puppy eyes

"No I don't think so " I said smirking at him and looking through my notes 

"Well then what am I supposed to do while all of you guys do all the party crap ?"
I looked at tony who's face went from sad and needy to PISSED and upset
" well I haven't forgotten about you because I have the perfect job for you"

"REALLY !"  He said with his face lighting up 

"YEAH ! All you have to to is sit in this chair and do absolutely. ..NOTHING "

I smiled at him while he gave me a death glare
" nothing ... sit here and do nothing ...why can't I help ... I'll get the drinks or something ... OH WAIT I WANNA BUY THE PRESENTS !"
Tony started jumping up and down like a hyperactive 2 year old
"No no presents" I scolded him

" but why ...?" HE said with his puppy eyes

"Because the last time I put you on present duty for my niece and nephew you bought them play guns "

"and crack"
"Alright well the 'drugs' were play candy that I confused for my own ... and second the play guns were water guns that I got from a thrift store ... or I think that's what the guy said "

"Tony I can NOT put you on present duty"

" fine ... why not drinks "

"The last time you got drinks for my little cusins party you brought beer "

"Hey ! I got the party started that's what I did !"

"HE WAS 5!, ... ugh ... fine if you really wanna be helpful then here's a small grocery list of all the things I need for the cake, take peter with you and , Do NOT buy anything else ... got it " I faced tony and gave him a I'm serious you better not do anything else I'm trusting you , kind of look. He took the list and left running to the car.
Great now all I've gotta do is wait for tony and the others to get back so that I can get started ... hmm.. maybe in the mean time I'll look at tonys computer history.

Tonys pov

I strapped Peter in his car seat ,put on his helmet and left straight to the store. I was alittle surprised that Steve let me go to the store and buy stuff since the last time we went there, I flipped of the cashier. I was with Peter though so I'm guessing that this should be quick.

" alrighty then Peter we have to buy
Powdered sugar
1 gallon of milk
1 pound of flour
And a dozen eggs

Wow that's the shortest recipe I have ever seen "

I shrugged it off and head to the powder Ile
Now let's see here ... baby powder, no....,flower powder? .. the hell .. fish powder, shrimp powder, oil powder, egg powder?! There's every type of powder but Not the sugar one ...

I looked over at Peter who was playing with a bag of .... POWDERED SUGAR !?!?!

"Peter ... buddy .. where did you get that?" I asked him while he just smiled and giggled at me . While he was distracted I grabbed the bag and put it in the cart.

"Alright last thing we need to do is check out " as me and Peter were walking towards the check out line , there was a huge sigh posted with a man standing next to it holding out flyers. " DO YOU LIKE BEER ? WELL IF YOU DO COME AND SIGN UP FOR THE FIRST EVER BEER CHALLANGE! THE WINNER RECEIVES A LIFE TIME OF BEER AND A 1,000 DOLLAR GIFT CARD TO WHERE EVER THEY WANT ! SO COME AND SIGN YOUR NAME ,BECAUSE THOSE BEERS WON'T DRINK THEMSELVES !"

When the man was done screaming I looked over at Peter who was completely confused then, I ran over to sign my name .

I'm sure steve wouldn't mind ... I mean we get over 1000 dollars, he could use it for a new shield or something.

I thought about one last time but before I could stop myself, my hand was already writing down the signature. ....

OHHHHHHH SNAP ! what will steve think of this ? And ... I'm sorry I took forever I got kind of bored and ideas just weren't coming ... but now that this came up I'm going to try to update every other day ... but lucky for you it's almost the weekend and I can't wait to publish again

Anyways . .. I love you guys see you in like 2 days ! And comment for more ideas love ya ! !!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡

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